Donderdag 30 Augustus 2012


The whole concept of secured loan in UK revolves round collateral. Collateral is a technical term which means the property that is used as security in a loan. Any property of significant money value has acceptance as collateral. However, in UK a home is most frequently used as collateral. Though secured loans in UK are offered against the equity available in a home, in special cases no or zero equity is also accepted.

Some people find it risky to take loans against their home. Being aware of the fact that they will have to lose their property if they fail to pay off the loan, they shrink back from taking secured loans. It cannot be denied that there is risk of property repossession in this type of loan. Yet, all people do not avoid taking them. Rather, plenty of people think of it as a cost-effective method of raising fund. In fact, there are genuine reasons behind the popularity of secured loans in UK.

First of all, it is a gainful bargain for the borrower. He gets the chance to undertake a major financial venture as this loan allows him to take out a hefty amount of money. He has the leverage to borrow as much as his home equity lets him to. Even in some cases he can borrow more than his home equity allows. There are lenders who sanctions loan amount of up to 125% LTV.

Besides, secured loans UK offer high level of flexibility in repayment terms. Longer duration of time to repay the loan, low APR, smaller monthly instalments are all awarded to the borrower. This is done as reciprocation to the gesture he shows by offering collateral. Moreover, the lender also gets the freedom to use the amount advanced by personal secured loan UK for a plethora of personal needs. So far the risk factor is concerned; all the flexibilities mentioned here are enough to back the borrower to easefully pay off the loan and avoid property repossession.

Woensdag 29 Augustus 2012


There is no doubt that the larger the loan, the more expensive it is to pay it back. But if the right interest rate is charged, then some serious savings can be made. Even if home equity loans normally come with very competitive interest rates, repayments can be kept to a minimum if the rate is wisely chosen.

Of course, taking out a loan with the equity on your home used as security is arguably the best way to raise a large sum of money. It depends on the value of the equity held, but it can make accessible funds as high as 0,000. Finding the best interest rates can be the difference between repayments being affordable and not.

For this reason, issues relating to the interest charged on any equity loan deal are extremely important and should be paid careful attention to. Here are some of the issues that should be looked at.

Fixed Rates or Variable Rates?

While the interest rate to be charged on a home equity loan is usually decided by the lender, borrowers can choose between fixed rates and variable rates. But what are the differences between them?

The chief difference is that a fixed rate creates a consistent repayment sum that never changes. And while the rate itself is higher than a variable rate, it is arguably the best interest rate for those on a tight budget.

A variable rate, meanwhile, changes in line with market developments, so the amount to be repaid every month can fluctuate. It is a great option when interest rates are low, but when the rates increase for economic reasons, the repayments increase accordingly. And because an equity loan can often be more than 0,000, this can translate to very large increases.

Terms to Expect

Normally, the rates charged on a home equity loan are quite low, and certainly a lot less than on unsecured loans. But the relative stability of the source of security (property) means that lenders can feel confident they will get their money back. But what are the terms to expect for a deal to be a truly good one?

Well, with a fixed rate loan, the best interest rate is going to be around 4%, depending on the lender and the size of the loan. On a 0,000 loan over 20 years, it will probably require monthly repayments of around 0. A variable rate, however starts at about 3.5%, requiring repayments of around 0. But the rate can increase at any time, even double if the market dictates.

Normally, however, because of the length of the loan term involved, it is possible to mix both fixed and variable rates. The fixed rate can apply for the first 3 or 5 years, allowing the borrower to get a grip on their budget, while the final 15 years or so will be variable, causing the equity loan to become a lot more expensive.

Other Issues to Consider

Of course, the term of a home equity loan is not always 25 years. Most lenders will cap the term to 25 years, but also demand a minimum term of 3 years. This can play a key role in determining the affordability of the loan, but since the borrower can choose practically any term between the two, it is easy to find an acceptable deal.

Variable rates are ideal for short-term loans, where there is not enough time for major fluctuations in the marketplace to develop. The best interest rate for long-term loans are fixed rates since the budget can be adhered to easily.

Discussing your best options with lenders is hugely important. But when these lenders are sourced online, be sure to check their reputation through the BBB website. An equity loan can prove hugely expensive if the lender turns out to have a range of hidden charges and penalties too.

Dinsdag 28 Augustus 2012


If you are fortunate enough to be employed in this sluggish economy, that's good news. If you're even more fortunate to receive a bonus check, then you probably noticed a sizable percentage of that bonus check was lost to taxes.

Uncle Sam wants part of your bonus

The Percentage Method isn't a household name, yet it affects many Americans even if they know nothing about it. It's time to get educated. This is the method by which taxes are withdrawn from your bonus check. It's not necessarily fair or favorable if you're an average taxpayer.

At the federal level, this is a flat tax of 25% that's withheld from your bonus. It's a flat percentage at the state level as well, and the number varies depending on which state you are in. A flat tax is the same, no matter your income level or tax bracket. Even if usually get to keep 90% of your check, this flat tax is applied to your bonus check no matter what.

What can you do?

This flat tax is hard to avoid. We all hear about what happens to those who don't pay their taxes. They are fined or, if the dollar amount is high enough, must serve time in jail.

Is there any way to reduce the taxes on your bonus check? Sometimes you can reduce your taxes, depending on the situation. One way to avoid paying too much in taxes is to plan ahead. If you know that a bonus is in the future, increase your withholding allowances during the year. Withholding allowances during the year will translate into less income tax being withheld from your regular paychecks. This will in turn offset the high tax withholding from your bonus which will result in paying fewer taxes all the way around.

That's not your only choice. You might also want to raise your withholding allowances after you get the bonus and then fewer taxes are withheld for the rest of the year. Either way, you are paying less in taxes.

Not as easy as it sounds

Most of the time, a bonus check comes at the end of the year. So these are difficult strategies in that you don't want to risk under-withholding unless you are absolutely sure the bonus is coming. Otherwise it could turn into quite a mess.

Another method?

The Aggregate Method might be better for your situation. Allowed in many states, the aggregate method bases the amount of tax withheld on your wages. It also takes into consideration your tax withholding up to the date of your bonus check. The Aggregate Method allows your taxes to be calculated like your bonus is just a regular paycheck.
You will still be paying taxes. The Aggregate Method won't change that. Unfortunately, payroll software doesn't have the ability to recognize that your bonus is simply a single payment. In other words, the payroll software just assumes that your bonus check for ,000 is a regular payment that will increase your annual income. For just that one bonus, the software thinks that more taxes need to be withheld because it thinks you are now in a completely different and higher tax bracket. So it taxes you at that higher rate. Even with bonuses that are smaller, too many companies never realize there is a method to this madness and as a result, too many incorrect software calculations create bigger bonus problems for employees who'd like to keep as much of this extra money as possible.

The problem with bonuses

Even if your employer is on top of things and figures out your bonus correctly, your bonus is probably a higher dollar amount. It's usually higher than your regular paycheck and therefore there will be more taxes withheld. Such taxes are usually magnified. So this leads you to receive a smaller bonus check than you expected.

What else? If you are in a high tax bracket, and your employer uses the percentage method to determine the tax rate, you might end up under-withheld at the end of the year. For example, perhaps your federal tax rate is 35%, and only 25% is withheld. If you believe this could happen, call Human Resources or your Payroll Department and request that more taxes are withheld from your bonus check. Your employer is authorized to withhold more if you ask them. They just wouldn't be able to withhold less.

If you are getting a bonus and want to determine how much of the bonus you will get to keep, check out bonus calculators online. While you're at it, research the many ways you can understand your paychecks. You can learn about different numbers of allowances and how those different scenarios affect your withholding situation. You can find both regular paycheck and bonus calculators as well. Make sure to select your state to get accurate results.

Catherine Durkin Robinson is a contributing writer for, your information resource and community for money-saving tips and offers so you can shop, compare, and save money on just about everything.

Maandag 27 Augustus 2012


Everyone is talking about the recession; people are saying that this is the worst financial situation the world has ever faced in the past century or so. But does that really matters? All what matters is that when and how we will be able to get out of this mode and get back to where we were around a year back. But the bigger issue is that till we get out of it, do we have the resources to tackle the cash shortage? Yes, here come the overnight payday loans to our rescue. But in the hectic daily schedule you don't possess enough time to apply for the loan. But that's not the problem anymore as you can apply for the overnight payday loans online as well. All you've got to do is search for one of the best creditor on the web and then apply for the same.

Overnight payday loans provide instant cash to the people who are in need of some urgent cash. Moreover, the creditor doesn't even demand any collateral against the loan and they don't consider whether the borrower is already suffering from a bad credit record or not. All what the creditors are concerned about is whether or not the debtor will be able to pay back the debt. The debtor can borrow money worth 0 to 00 and has to repay the amount back to the creditor within 15 to 31 days. As soon as the loan is sanctioned the money is transferred directly into the borrower's account.

There is an eligibility criterion which needs to be fulfilled in order to apply for the overnight payday loans:
The applicant must be a citizen of USA.
The Applicant needs to have a valid bank account.
The applicant must be employed regularly and earning not less then 00.
The applicant must be at least 18 years old.

Sondag 26 Augustus 2012


Read this article if you want to better understand how to calculate interest rate and how to determine the real cost of a loan. There isn't anything too complicated here, but many people don't take the time to do the math. The result is that people end up with unexpected expenses and aren't sufficiently prepared to handle the financial burden.

Whether you have good credit, bad credit, or no credit, taking the time to understand interest rates will pay off.

The Simple Math To Calculate Interest Rates

When principle, rate, and time are known, the simple formula for calculating simple interest is as follows:

Principle x Rate x Time = Interest

Add interest to the principle loan amount, and the resulting figure is the total amount you will have to pay back.

Let's use an example:

Say you borrow ,500 and agree to pay it back over 3 years at 4%.

Plug these numbers into the formula:

Principle: 3,500 x rate: 0.04 x time: 3 = Interest: 420.

The interest on this loan will cost 0, making the total cost ,920. Unfortunately, most loans aren't quite so simple. Stay with us, however, and all will be revealed.

One term that can mystify borrowers is APR or annual percentage rate. If a bank or lender talks about the effective rate of interest, remember that this is the same thing as APR, but is different from the stated rate of interest. This loan involves compound interest. Understanding what these terms mean is essential. Here's how to calculate APR. Let's look at a loan to be paid off in less than a year. Let's say you borrow 00 from a lender to be paid off in 150 days. The stated interest rate is 7%.

Now use the following formula:

Days in the Year (360 is a common figure used by banks) / Days Loan is Outstanding x Stated Interest Rate = APR (effective rate)

Plugging in the numbers looks like this:

360 / 150 x 0.07 = 0.168 (17%)

Your APR, or the rate you will actually pay for this loan is 17%. Once you know the APR, just multiply by the principle to see how much interest you will pay. On the 00 loan above at 17% you pay 4 in interest. Knowing how to calculate interest rates allows you to see clearly what the cost of borrowing will be.

Take a moment to digest the above information before continuing.

Many bank loans are based on compound interest. Always make sure that you are calculating your costs based on the effective rate, not the stated rate.

Don't stop reading, however, because there is an important difference when it comes to credit card interest rates and other short term borrowing like payday loans.

Effective Annual Rate

The concept is the same, but interest is compounded daily or monthly instead of annually. Even though credit card companies talk about APR, their interest rates are more accurately referred to as EAR, or Effective Annual Rate.

Because the math is a little bit complicated, we will only present examples here. Rest assured, the EAR will always be a little bit higher than the stated APR. A credit card with an APR of 12.99% will actually charge an EAR of 13.87% when compounded daily. A high APR will cost more. Anyone with an APR of 29.99% actually pays 34.96%.

Call it unfair, call it a stacked deck, but these are the realities of borrowing with a credit card. On top of all this, credit card companies charge late fees and transaction fees. The best way to avoid lining the pockets of lenders is to pay on time and to borrow at the lowest rates you can find.

Although it is not always possible, credit cards are most effectively used for simple convenience, to be paid in full every month.

Once you have wracked up a debt, however, you will have to play by the lenders rules until you are paid in full. Once again, the best approach is this situation is reign in expenses as much as possible and concentrate on paying the maximum each month. Debt consolidators can help facilitate this process by laying a groundwork that is easy to follow.

For many people, paying off debt is easier when they can see the big picture and chart their progress. The basic job of a debt consolidator is to find a single loan to pay off many smaller loans. Ideally, a lower interest rate is achieved, often by offering collateral like a house.

Fixed Interest vs. Variable Interest

A final note about interest rates: there are two common types called fixed and variable. A fixed rate remains the same for the life of the loan while a variable rate is tied to investments and will go up or down with the markets.

Depending on the state of the market and the direction it is moving in, a variable rate can be cheaper or more expensive. Most people struggling to get out of debt choose a fixed rate in order to simplify a complicated situation.

Despite the relatively simple math, most of us glaze over when it comes time to think about interest rates.

Even though it might not be fun, doing the numbers will be much less unpleasant than writing even one more payment check than you have to. Take the time to learn how to calculate interest rates before you borrow and always pay off your loan as fast as possible.

Saterdag 25 Augustus 2012


We've come up with a few tips for you that will hopefully help you see how to achieve a sustainable cost conscious culture in your organisation, with help from some new, modern accounting software. You could see cash savings of anything from 5% to 10%! If that doesn't make you want to read on, we don't know what will!

Trust your staff
The best way to gain respect and cooperation from employees is to trust them to make the right decisions. Having a devolved accounting system and software will allow individuals to make purchases with minimal effort. So staff are happy, and so are the finance team as the procurement process is sped up, allowing you to easily keep an eye on expenditure.

Create rules
Most pieces of modern accounting software can be configured so that limits or rules are applied to particular departments when it comes to buying. For example, if someone buys too many paper clips (it could happen!) and it exceeds the set limit, then the system will alert someone who can provide second level approval.

Tighten & streamline the approvals process
Using an electronic based procurement system, like most technology, will make things a lot easier and will certainly speed up your whole procurement processes. Individuals can set up POs, email them to the necessary person for approval, and that person can then approve quickly. Gone will be the days where orders get stuck in someone's in-tray, or lost in the post.

Devil is in the detail
When looking for areas of wasted expenditure, it's easy to look at the big purchases. Try and look at the total that the small costs amount to over the year. I bet you'll be surprised! Once you've spotted where savings can be made, try and put rules and limitations in place (like the ones we mentioned earlier) but just let the relevant person know!

Use real-time financial reporting to spot inefficient spending
By having an accounting system that's up to date, through the use of devolved accounting software, you'll be able to produce up to the minute finance reports showing you spend for certain departments, making it easier to review and evaluate processes. Also, giving budget holders instant access to this information will further help them control spending.

Tackle those maverick spenders
Maverick buying; that is goods being purchased without approval, can be very expensive.

A modern accounting system should help prevent these kinds of purchases. PO numbers can be hidden until the necessary approval has been given, pretty nifty!

Make it last
Using a devolved approach to accounting makes the whole process easy and transparent, setting a good balance of control and trust. This is easily achievable with the latest technology, especially with cloud accounting software, and means the finance team don't have to look into the finer detail of the purchase ledger meaning more time to focus on strategic tasks.


The social contract theory of John Locke provided the philosophy and source of governing authority for both U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson borrowed freely from Locke's phraseology.

John Locke laid out the social contract in the 5th paragraph of the chapter entitled "Of the Beginning of Political Societies" in his "Second Treatise on Government". There he states that the will of the majority is the only source of authority for civil government. God and His law are ignored.

"And thus that which begins and actually constitutes any political society is nothing but the consent of any number of freemen capable of a majority to unitethis is that, AND THAT ONLY, which did or could give beginning to any lawful government" [John Locke, Second Treatise of Government (New York, NY: The Liberal Arts Press, 1952), p. 56]. This is the heart of democratic social theory -- note the conspicuous exclusion of God and the ruling authority of His Word.

Under the Lockean model the people contract with one another to ordain a civil government. God and His law are not Party to the Contract. The Preamble of the U.S. Constitution clearly adopts this model: "We the people of the United States . . . do ordain this constitution for ourselves and our posterity." God is snubbed, and Article VI, Section 3 forbids requiring an officeholder to swear allegiance to God.

The Bible contradicts Locke's ascription of power to the majority. Romans 13:4 states that "there is no power but of God. The powers that be are ordained of God."

Locke's factionalized, pluralistic society is doomed to rip itself apart. God judges the society that fails to acknowledge the supremacy of Christ. Anarchy ensues.

Without the living and true God and His law there can be no justice. But contrary to popular Christian opinion, the founding fathers never appealed to the Bible. There is only one substantive reference to Scripture in the four-volume set of notes compiled from the Constitutional Convention.

The Federalist Papers, written in defense of the Constitution, make no reference to the Bible. Having spurned God's law, the founders were forced to employ Social Contract of John Locke and so-called natural law.

When Adam fell, he was expelled into a darkened world that fell with him. Man's fallen mind cannot correctly interpret the fallen creation. "For the creature [creation] was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope" (Rom. 8:20). Looking for justice in the "law of nature or "natural law" is an exercise in futility in a fallen world.

The Founding Fathers opened the door for their posterity to arbitrarily reinterpret the vague social contract articulated by John Locke. As our current desperate plight indicates, the Constitution cannot shield us from social, economic, and political devolution.

For More Information

Vrydag 24 Augustus 2012


As an International security consultant who specialises in close protection, I am frequently asked for information from an aspiring bodyguard, or teams of aspiring bodyguards about how to avoid being ripped off by unscrupulous close protection security training companies.

During close to 20 years of active service in providing close protection services and close protection training in 42 countries across 4 continents I have lost count of the number of times I have been asked this question.

I have trained tens of thousands of bodyguards and close protection officers for governments, military special forces, intelligence agencies, law enforcement agencies, security companies and corporate businesses.

As a security consultant I am often tasked with providing seminars and presentations on close protection, and once again this question is always one of the first asked in the question and answer sessions.

I decided to write a series of questions which aspiring bodyguards or close protection teams could ask of any close protection training company offering bodyguard training to fee paying customers. My list is probably not an exhaustive list, but it covers all the main questions you should know the answers to before parting with your financial investment.

Make no bones about it, if you are an aspiring bodyguard looking to enter the close protection industry then you will need the finest close protection security training available.

This bodyguard training is even more relevant if you are considering looking for a bodyguard job in politically high risk destinations, or as a close protection security consultant in one of the world's war zones like Afghanistan.

Professional close protection training delivered by world class close protection companies and bodyguard Instructors is not cheap. That's why I refer to it as an Investment.

To train a 'aspiring bodyguard' in all the aspects required to prepare you for the rigours of extremely high-risk VIP protection operations will cost you anything from £8,000-,000 to £12,000-£18,000. Anyone who tells you different doesn't know the VIP protection industry as good as they might think.

Many cowboy companies try to sucker you in on the premise of paying a low cost fee for an initial training programme. Trust me planning your training like this will cost you heavily in finance, time, effort and energy. In my personal experience it's also pre-programmed for failure.

I have worked for numerous close protection companies and bodyguard agencies as an adjunct close protection Instructor and have extensive knowledge of the global close protection industry and all the major professional players providing professional bodyguard training.

My list of 30 Things To Know Before You Invest In Close Protection Training is based on my own personal experience gleaned from the thousands of close protection officers I have trained and worked with.

It is worth noting that there are very few actual reputable close protection training companies around the world. I can in fact count the truly professional companies on two hands.

A tip worth remembering is; never be fobbed off by a close protection training company representative who when asked any of the following questions refuses to answer citing 'security confidentiality' applies.

The technical term for this type of response is, 'bulls**t.' Everyone of the top professional companies I personally know will be more than happy to answer these questions in the full knowledge that no confidentialities will be breached.

Don't allow yourself to be dazzled with close protection jargon or wild promises of a guaranteed bodyguard job, or war stories about how the close protection training companies only utilise for SAS or other special forces instructors for their bodyguard training.

Take it from me, I have personally trained several SAS personnel and lots and lots of other global special forces in close protection skills. The one thing most of them had in common was that they had never received any prior close protection training.

Historically most of the companies who dangle the bodyguard job or bodyguard job Iraq carrot never last. Their bodyguard job offer usually consists of a one night shift as a night club bouncer, or even worse as a 1 day shift following a 'paid surveillance mark around a town centre.'

This is your money you are investing and the very best way to minimise the risk of a bad investment is to conduct a thorough due diligence campaign on prospective close protection security companies.

For some of the less scrupulous bodyguard training companies, you might have to concoct a story which plays to their greed in order to even solicit a response. The best stories are usually legitimate stories, for example I once received the following enquiry from a parent.

"My son is due to leave University and wishes to take up a career in the close protection industry. As a graduation gift my wife and I have agreed to provide him with a £10,000 contribution towards his professional training and the purchase of his basic equipment. How do I know which bodyguard training company is legitimate?"

As a security consultant I suggested he write to each of the close protection companies he had short listed and utilise my close protection know 30 secrets before you invest in bodyguarding training. As follows...

I would like answers to the following questions before I make a decision to invest this figure into your company.

1. How many hours and days of training would it take to qualify as a close protection officer?

2. Do you run 2, 5, 10, 20 or 30 day close protection training programmes?

3. How much is the training per 100 hours?

4. How much is your 2 day training programme?

5. How much is your 5 day training programme?

6. Do these fees include residential accommodation, meals and travel expenses?

7. Do you run a 2 or 5 day introductory training programme?

8. How much is this introductory training programme?

9. Does your close protection training include insurance for your students?

10. How many students attend each individual close protection training programme?

11. Is your executive protection training accredited by any security association?

12. Is your close protection training accredited by the SIA?

13. Do successful graduates of your close protection training programme receive a diploma?

14. How long is your close protection certification valid for?

15. Do you run your close protection training programmes in the UK?

16. Do you run your close protection training programmes overseas?

17. Do you run specialist training programmes for advanced close protection officers?

18. Do you run firearms training programmes for close protection officers?

19. Do you have your own close protection operational jobs division?

20. Do you offer bodyguard jobs to successful graduates of your close protection training programmes?

21. Do you offer a bodyguard association membership?

22. Do you offer a close protection home study training programme/s?

23. Do you offer close protection merchandise like books and DVD's for sale?

24. Do you have a minimum/maximum training age?

25. Do you have fitness entry requirements?

26. Do you have any medical condition restrictions for students?

27. What qualifications do your Instructors have?

28. Do your students have to pass a graduation examination?

29. Do you offer students a career development loan?

30. How long have you been in business?

The British American Security Expert advises: Contact as many executive protection and security companies who offer bodyguard training as possible. Do your research, collate as many responses as possible as you will then be best placed to make an informed decision on which close protection training company to invest your money with.

You are paying for a professional security service, provided hopefully by a professional security consultant or a company of professional security consultants. This security service is just like paying for any other professional service.

For example you wouldn't invest £10,000 in someone who offered you shares in a Nigerian Gold Mine without conducting extensive research into the business and the players running the business.

The British American Security Expert Tip: Given the advance in technology relating to Internet e-commerce sales, most people look to the major on-line price comparison web site players when buying car insurance or holidays or mortgages etc. Think or

These companies have invested in software technology to bring you price and services price comparisons from the one web site. is likely to be the first executive protection company to offer a detailed comparison of all the reputable executive protection training and security bodyguard companies. Look out soon for this state of the art feature.

Security remains high on the list of global growth industries & executive protection business security is one of the fastest related growth sectors. Many people are looking to enter the security industry as executive protection bodyguards to service the business demand.

Close protection know 30 secrets before you invest in bodyguarding training highlights the secrets you need to know before you invest in security bodyguard executive protection training.

Donderdag 23 Augustus 2012


Owning a coffee franchise can be a very rewarding experience, but before you sign on the dotted line and start serving hot cups of 'joe', there's certain things you need to know so you can make the right decision. If you go into buying a coffee franchise blindly, you could end up making a very costly mistake.

First things first, get a reality check. You should know going in what kind of money you have to put towards a coffee franchise, you should understand your strengths and weaknesses in running a business and be very honest with yourself about how much time you're willing to spend in your business. If you do this, you'll be way ahead of the curve. Don't jump into any decision. Take your time, consult with franchise experts and do your due diligence.

The attractive thing about owning a coffee franchise is the cash flow and profit margin. People are drinking coffee today like it's going out of style and they are happily paying upwards of per cup. The real cost of the coffee is under $ .25. The profit margins with coffee are HUGE! On the contrary, only making a few bucks per cup isn't going to get you a mansion in Beverly Hills. A Coffee franchise is 100% a volume business. You have to crank out thousands of cups per month to see any real income. Some of the most successful coffee franchises have drive-thrus which can make up to 70% of the revenues.

The real secret of a coffee franchise is NOT the coffee, but the atmosphere. People can get coffee anywhere, but they come to these shops because of the social element. They come to hang out, conduct business, surf the web, relax, read a book, whatever. That's why so many coffee franchises have the relaxing and mellow look and feel to them.

However, there are things about a coffee franchise that aren't so fun from the very start. First, the high start-up costs can be huge. Not only will you have to pay a hefty franchise fee, but then you have to get a location, you'll have to get equipment, you'll have inventory to get, fixed costs, variable costs, employee wages and on and on. The costs can be high. Don't forget about the royalty fees that are based on gross revenues, not net profits.

Now even if you are financially capable of buying the coffee franchise, that won't matter because there are more pre-qualifiers you must meet. You're going to need a considerable net worth, a good credit history but the real challenge is that you have to get approval to buy the franchise. If they don't like you, they won't sell you a franchise.

Maandag 20 Augustus 2012


Sikkim Manipal University provides courses of MBA also along with health and medical. It has distance courses for Master in Business Administration. By this year SMU has announced that no negative marking will consider for wrong answer.

In the examination of distance courses there are objective types of questions to solve. In the Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), each question has only correct answer. Students should have to darkening the appropriate circle.

There are three types of questions in SMU MBA A, B and C. Type a question has one mark, type B question has 2 marks and type C question has 4 marks. There are some sample questions:

Type A question which contains 1 mark:

1. -------------- is the backbone of every business.
A) Marketing B) Management
C) Economics D) Finance

Type B question which contains 2 marks:

1. The correct sequence of capital budgeting process is
a) Project execution
b) Project evaluation
c) Project generation
d) Project selection
A) c, b, d, a
B) b, c, a, d
C) c, b, a, d
D) a, d, b, c

Type C question which contains 4 marks:

1. Match set I with set II
Set I
1) Mutually exclusive investment proposals
2) Contingent investment proposal
3) Independent investment proposal
4) Replacements
Set II
a) Performing different tasks in the organization
b) Representing alternative methods of doing the same job
c) Replacing the old & antiquated equipment
d) Depend upon acceptance of others
A) ( 1-c) (2- d) (3-c) (4-a)
B) (1-b) (2-d) (3-a) (4-c)
C) (1-d) (2-b) (3-c) (4-a)
D) (1-b) (2-d) (3- c) (4-a)

These are sample questions. There will be 40 questions in type A. In type B there will be 20 questions and in type C there will be 15 questions. Total questions will be 75 like sample questions in SMU MBA examination. Students have to earn minimum 40% in each paper.

Sondag 19 Augustus 2012


Since there are not many people who can finance a college education without some sort of financial assistance, at some point most students will have to fill out at least one student loan application. This process can be daunting, but fear of completing a student loan application is no reason to give up on higher education. Unfortunately, sometimes the easiest student loans to apply for are those with the most unfavorable terms.

For this reason, any student who is attempting to procure financial aid should become familiar with the types of loans available and the student loan application procedures that need to be followed in order to qualify for these loans.

FAFSA: The First Step in Financing an Education

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA is the most important scholarship and student loan application that any student must complete. It is also frequently the most complex and tedious application for students and their parents. This is because the FAFSA requires a lot of detailed financial information, including tax returns, from both students and parents. While the application requires time, this form is essential for all students. Filing a FAFSA is not only the sole method of obtaining federal funding for education including Stafford Loans, but this exhaustive form is also a prerequisite for most state and institution based loan programs. Since these types of loan programs tend to offer the most favorable terms for students, filing a FAFSA should be every student's first step in the financial aid process.

Applying for Federal Aid

Even though the FAFSA is free and can be completed online, its exhaustive nature causes too many students to give up and accept private loans with high interest rates and unfavorable repayment terms. A little preparation can help families avoid this undesirable situation, however. Anyone seeking financial aid should be sure to file a tax return as early as possible. As soon as the tax return is done, families should gather the completed return, bank statements and financial paperwork and fill out the FAFSA. Having paperwork on hand will make the process go more quickly, and early filing is crucial in ensuring eligibility for the maximum amount of aid available. It is imperative that families not only file the form before the FAFSA deadline but before the deadlines for individual school and private loan programs. A completed FAFSA is frequently required before students can even submit any other student loan application, and often these deadlines are earlier than the federal deadline.

School Based Financial Aid

Most higher education institutions have financial offices and offer many forms of financial aid and counseling to their students. While a FAFSA is usually required to qualify for school based programs, there are also additional applications to fill out. Since the deadlines for school based aid are often very early, every student should contact the financial aid office of his or her school as soon as a matriculation decision is made and obtain the necessary paperwork. This paperwork will often include a general financial aid application, applications for specific scholarships and a student loan application for any loans offered specifically by the school. These applications may require personal information in addition to the financial information required for the FAFSA.


During the holiday season many families will turn to credit cards to finance Christmas expenses. This makes it less stressful to make ends meet, especially during the holidays. Sometimes we don't even realize how much damage is done until the credit card bills start to arrive in January.

Credit cards are very convenient but have their pitfalls. Credit cards bear very high interest rates, often more than 20% interest and in the case of department store cards up to 30%. Interest is calculated monthly so if you get caught up in a pattern of only making minimum monthly payments, they can take years to pay off. Credit cards that have balances more than 75% of their limits will damage your credit rating/credit score.

The last thing you want to do is go into the next holiday season with credit cards that have balances from the spending you did the past holiday season. The best thing to do if you have accumulated balances on credit cards from holiday spending is to consolidate maxed out credit cards using your home.

There are many reasons why it is a great idea to consolidate maxed out credit cards using your home. Here are just a few:

1. Using your home to consolidate maxed out credit cards will enable you to start the New Year on a fresh foot and with a single monthly payment.

2. Using your home to consolidate maxed out credit cards will increase cash flow because a home equity loan or line of credit will bear a much lesser payment than what you are paying to your credit cards on a monthly basis.

3. Using your home to consolidate maxed out credit cards will reduce the overall interest that you are paying to loans and credit cards. Home equity loan and home equity line of credit interest rates are much less than what you are paying to your individual credit cards.

4. Using your home to consolidate debt will improve your credit because all of your credit card balances will be reduced to zero and the less debt reporting to your credit report, the higher your credit score will be. Also, as we mentioned when credit card balances exceed 75% of your limits, it reduces your credit score and will trigger a message to appear on your credit report that indicates that your credit card balances are too high in proportion to your credit limits.

It is important that if you consolidate your maxed out credit cards using your home equity that you don't continue to use your credit cards. Put them away and only use a single card and make sure to use the card in denominations that you can afford to pay off in full each month. This will ensure that you don't find yourself in the future with a new payment on a consolidation loan and paying credit card balances.

Start your New Year off with your finances in order and without the stress of having to pay a windfall of credit bills.


With the latest crisis in the economy there seems to be no way that people will still be capable to own the house of their dreams. When you do not have funds and when everything else falls apart when it comes to making certain that you simply get to finance a residence then there is certainly no other way for you to be in a position to gamble on mortgaging a room for the family. But certainly mortgaging a residence is not the only real choice; one may possibly select to go rent a space. The terms may possibly be great yet technically, if you, will not get to own the room that you want, is certainly quite discouraging. The mood has switched though now that there are rent to own homes that are made available in every city and state in the country. The new offer seemed to have caught the attention of everyone specifically those that are hoping to get a residence of their very own. The skeptics are nevertheless acting cynical on these though particularly that they're thinking that individuals that offer these kinds of offers are simply just up to fraud and scams. Forums on the web are hounded by queries that ask whether Ownerwiz as well as other similar real estate websites are mere scams.

If you are one who believes in gossip, you will be effortlessly swayed by words and possibly lose the chance to own the home that you simply desired from the very beginning. It could be tough and perhaps there aren't too many individuals who will be in a position to comprehend that there are still legitimate websites that offer these types of bargains. The thing is, if your neighbor has been a victim of fraud, would you think that the exact same thing would probably happen for you as well? Will you really think that everything else is really a hoax just simply because somebody else has become a victim of it? You can't be considered a victim of the mean world syndrome.

The point is that, to think that something is a scam as soon as you heard a particular person falling victim to this kind of things should be changed. There are usually means for you to obtain the rent to own home offer in the state and city in your selection. The really common question in most forum websites is the legitimacy of sites that provide rent to own homes in various locations around the country. There are those that are ready to take the risks but are frightened that they'll only fall into a fraudulent deal and wind up losing nevertheless. OwnerWiz as well as other websites are often the ones pointed out in queries that are something which is both an advantage and drawback.

It's a benefit because there are more individuals who become informed of these websites however the drawback lays inside the taint on these websites reputations because of a number of infamous individuals' deeds. If you happen to be one individual who finds the rent to own alternative a fantastic way to ultimately own a residence of your very own, you'll be taken aback because of rumors spreading.

The only ones who can answer though are those who have trusted OwnerWiz as well as the other similar websites for that matter. If they will tell you that they have had an incredible encounter, no problems, hook ups and certainly no fraudulent acts, after which maybe there is no reason for you to freak out. The legitimacy of such deals could always be traced.

If you are still uncertain, you may well verify it with the authorities in a location because for certain, if a real estate website goes through legal dealings with their offers, you'll be capable to check it with them and track things down. In the event that you notice that OwnerWiz along with other websites are dealing properties legally, then maybe you could get the residence of your choice right there and then without anything to worry anymore.

Vrydag 17 Augustus 2012


I have been conned by a psychic, what do I do?
Don't ever hold your self responsible, that's the primary rule and it's not your mistake although so much people charge the guilt to themselves.

Cons work when individuals are at their most helpless or fragile circumstances, and this time is also where most psychics take advantage. Take it from the experienced.

Here's what you need to do instantly

Stop talking or communicating with this scam artist in all ways! This is essential! There is little you can carry out if you are still communicating in the midst of the scam artist. Thus it is necessary to decease communicating! If there's a need that you need to alter your phone number then do it!

Cancel any cheque you have provided that has not yet cleared from the bank. Notify your bank to deny any charges if you provided this type of psychic your credit card number. Do recover from them as much funds as you can.

Directly get in touch with your local police department. Then provide them as much information as you can. Learn from my mistake for I made the error of not informing the police department at the time when I was swindled.

Be certain to point out the so-called statement crimes of confidence to the police men.

Kindly report and file the case anyway as it may possibly help out someone else in the future even if occasionally the Police won't know how to help you. When the policemen catch them, help the authorities to put the fake ones to jail for a long, long, time.

Drop a line to the Internet Crime Complaints Center especially if you want to publish the website of thedeceitful psychic on the Internet.

Tell them what occurred and any other information you can remember as well as the location where you found their website. Get in touch with the Federal Trade Commission since other people similar to you could get scammed if you don't report it.

Again this helps find these criminals and allows them to be dealt with. Follow these steps!

Don't hold your self responsible! For the most part, con artists excellent at what they carry out in spite of everything, it is their vocation.

From time to time all of us require a little counsel and understanding, its human nature to be occasionally reminded. A lot of con-men and women utilize astrology and the disguise of psychic skill to trick innocent victims, or in other words, not all psychics are con-artists.

Search for the type of psychic you have a link with in view of the fact that the majority of psychics beyond doubt would like to assist you on your expedition through life.

If you're serious about metaphysics, physics and tarot readings but afraid that it might be a scam. If you are sick of unnecessary fees, scams, vague nonsense and other fraudster tricks... then you found the right person. I'll make finding a genuine psychic and avoiding psychic scam easy and enjoyable for you... AND NOT BORING!

First, click the link below to read the powerfully revealing information about the things you need to know. This will get you the immediate info you need to choose wisely now.

Second, look around my website as there are a number of other resources to help, including easy to follow guides, recommendations, advice to help find a person to person psychic with real talent that can give you a reading that will shock you.

Third, with my advice you can stop paying for inaccurate readings and meet genuine psychics . You've heard it all before... I get it. But we've helped both psychics and clients, and know all the 'tricks' in the book to help you get the right reader to fit your needs.

Fourth, there is no fourth. Simply enjoy the resources we compiled for your benefit and take action! If you don't find the answers to your questions and wonders if you had a past life... I'd be amazingly surprised!

Donderdag 16 Augustus 2012


Letter of Intent (LOI)

Retail space negotiations are complicated and time-consuming. Once you have located the retail space which is ideal for your business, the next step is to negotiate an agreement which protects you and is acceptable to the landlord. Industry practice for retail space is to negotiate a letter of intent before negotiating the lease.
Use an Attorney!

Engage an attorney to assist in the letter of intent negotiation. It probably seems that the letter of intent is informal and can easily be negotiated without an attorney. However, there are issues you should address in the letter of intent which may not be obvious if you have not previously negotiated letters of intent for retail.
Wow! This is Complicated

Common factors for a retail space letter of intent include: defining the parties (leasor and leasee aka landlord and tenant), defining the space, defining the rent including any percentage rent, defining the basis for calculating sales or net income if they are involved in calculating rent, the initial term, any renewal options, rent for renewal options period, the day at which lease payments commence, the date of occupancy, the condition of the space when the landlord provides it to the tenant, tenant improvement allowances provided by the landlord, who performs the tenant improvements, is the tenant required to use union labor for tenant improvements, is the tenant required to use a general contractor for tenant improvements (TI), who pays for the cost of the ADA compliance, who maintains what (i.e roof, HVAC, electrical, plumbing, etc), who pays which expenses, calculating the payment for CAM (common area maintenance), free rent, and identification of the broker and payment of the brokerage fee if relevant.
You Mean There is More!

Other issues which you may want to address in the letter of intent include expense escalations, co-tenancy issues, eminent domain, foreclosure, maintenance standards, definition of the amount of leaseable space, personal guarantees, purchase option, subleasing, required hours of operation, dedicated parking, who is responsible for obtaining variances related to signage and usage of the retail space, expansion options, first right of refusal, can the tenant keep the TI allowance not needed for construction, can the landlord relocate the tenant if the space is needed to accommodate another tenant, late payment fees, the mechanics of providing notice of default and any options for the tenant to cure the default, mechanics of dispute resolution between the landlord and tenant, and a right to terminate if your sales do not stabilize at a minimum level.
Complete LOI First

Complete and obtain an executed copy of the letter of intent before beginning on the lease agreement. The primary objective of the letter of intent is to negotiate and agree upon the business issues. The lease documents these agreements. Discuss fees to negotiate the lease with your attorney. Agree upon an hourly rate and estimate of the total fees. Agree the attorney will call if it appears the cost is going to exceed the estimate.
The following sections of the leasing retail space article focuses upon issues which merit commentary.

Percentage Rent

Percentage rent -- make sure the agreement regarding percentage rent is clear. If percentage rent is based on sales, define sales. For example, is sales-tax remitted to the city and state included in sales? It is even more difficult to define net profits, which is why most percentage rent leases are based upon sales instead of profits. Attempt to look at the definition of net profits from a detached perspective. If you gave the definition to a six grader, could they understand it?
Renewal Options

Renewal options -- tenants love them and landlords prefer to avoid them. In general, a larger number of shorter renewal options are better for the tenant. In addition, shorter notice periods to announce the tenants intend to renew are desirable for the tenant. Landlords prefer as much notice as possible regarding whether or not the tenet plans to renew.
Renewal Option Rental Rates

Renewal option rental rates -- tenants typically want fixed rental rates for renewal periods. Landlords typically want the rental rate based upon market rent. Agreeing upon market rents can be difficult and expensive. Reasonable people can disagree regarding the level for market rent for a retail space. For example, should the premium for an end-cap space be 10% or 100%? Retail space is not fungible. It recently signed lease for retail space within the same center provides insight into market rent. However, in most cases it will not clearly defined market rent.
The Market Research and Consulting division of O'Connor & Associates provides information necessary to make decision to commercial real estate professionals. Occupancy and Rental Data, ownership and management information are routinely gathered for four major land uses multifamily, office, retail and industrial. This information allows investors to compare competitive properties, facilitate business decisions and track market and submarket performance. In addition the data is useful to brokers who for example continually monitor Houston retail space leasing, Houston office space leasing, Houston industrial space leasing, Houston apartments, Dallas apartments, Ft. Worth apartments, Austin apartments, and San Antonio apartments.

Sondag 12 Augustus 2012


Every single person would dream about his dream car. It is easily possible for people with a good credit score to buy a new car with a loan taken. However, people with bad credit will not be able to avail any new loan to support the purchase of a new car. There are lenders who offer loans to even people with poor or bad credit.

No credit car loan is a popular term among millions of people in this recession hit world. The internet is the best source to find information regarding such lenders and much information can be collected. Most websites try to steal the data and sell it to lenders. Consumers may be flooded with junk phone calls and mails from the lenders. There are certain requirements to be fulfilled to get such kinds of loans.

It is important to have some one who can guarantee and to sign the documents taking the responsibility to repay in case if the borrower cannot pay it. Part payments and monthly installments should be paid promptly to avoid any due course of action. This might drag down the credit score giving a poor background in repayment of loan, which will prevent the borrower from applying another loan. A lender may accept

Co-signer - A close friend who is willing to sign for the borrower.

Co-Applicant - This is a family member, husband, spouse, or parent that is willing to sign for the borrower.

Keeping a track on the credit score is a good way to find a better deal. Information on credit score will help the borrowers to negotiate the deal and get proper discounts and offers. This can be obtained from the Annual Credit Report as required by Federal Law.

There are certain other requirements that must be met before the sanction of a no credit car loan. The borrower must be employed full time and at least one year of employment history is required. This gives the assurance that the borrower has got the job and salary with which he could repay the loan amount. The deal can be better negotiated if the user can actually prove him self to earn 00 per month. Borrowers must have been stayed for one year at the current residence or more than that. This shows a responsibility level that the borrower has managed to pay the bills and rent properly.

It may be very difficult to shop for services for a no credit car loan. It is important to search for information online to find out companies who might have cordial relationship with the automotive dealers to get the best help out of them. Borrowers will have to fill out a car loan application and then lenders will contact them matching the requirements. It is not that difficult to obtain a no credit car loan if the borrower is very sincere in repaying the loan amount promptly and shows off this interest while negotiating with the dealers.


Although GPS-enabled smartphones are gaining ground in the portable navigation market, the standalone portable navigation device (PND) is far from dead. In fact, today's PNDs sport more features than ever to help you get from point A to point B quickly and safely--features such as audible driving directions with text-to-speech (TTS), spoken street names, real-time traffic updates, Internet connectivity for points-of-interest search, and large easy-to-read screens, to name a few. However, the GPS market has also never been more crowded, so to help you in your buying decision, we've selected our Top 5 picks for in-car GPS navigation systems. We will frequently update this list as we review new GPS devices, so check back often.

Garmin Nuvi 3790T
The Garmin Nuvi 3790T is an exceptional portable navigation device with just the right blend of form and function.

Garmin designed the Nuvi 3790T to be the thinnest, lightest portable navigation device ever and to go toe-to-toe with the iPhone in a fashion show. Though we're not certain that the Nuvi would win such a matchup, by setting its standards so high Garmin has essentially solidified the 3790T's spot as the sexiest dedicated GPS device you can buy.

The good: The Garmin Nuvi 3790T is one of the thinnest and lightest portable navigators we've tested; it's the best looking, too. Voice Command is truly hands-free and can be activated merely by speaking to the Nuvi. Bluetooth calling also helps drivers keep their hands on the wheel. Traffic data is free.

The bad: The glossy screen tends to create a good deal of glare when used in direct sunlight. Traffic data cannot be accessed while using the device in the hand.

Motorola MotoNav TN765t
The MotoNav TN765t has a robust feature set that is on par with that of more-established brands and a beautiful interface that is, in many ways, superior.

Motorola took a pretty serious beating when we reviewed its MotoNav TN30 portable navigation device. However, instead of dropping out of the PND market or simply releasing an incremental update with fixes, Motorola went back to the drawing board and came back swinging with the all new MotoNav TN700 series.

The good: The MotoNav TN765t features updated hardware and an innovative new interface that combines the map and the menus. Bluetooth hands-free calling (with address book sync and voice dial), text-to-speech, and free FM-traffic reception are welcome additions to the MotoNav feature set. The MotoExtras service is a clever way to add data connectivity by using a Bluetooth-paired phone's antenna to transmit.

The bad: The MotoExtras data service isn't always on, so it must be manually refreshed for the latest info. GPS tracking in skyscraper-dense urban areas is a bit sketchy.

TomTom XL 340 S
The TomTom XL 340 S introduces a few advanced features to TomTom's midrange lineup, while staying well below the premium price bracket.

The TomTom XL 340 S builds on TomTom's successful XL series of wide-screen portable navigation devices. The XL 340 S' features, such as advanced lane guidance, daily fuel prices, IQ Routes, and TomTom Map Share, work together to constantly update its map data and route-mapping algorithm. Therefore, in theory, these electronic gadgets should get better with time.

Also, as an "S" designated model, the 340 S features text-to-speech that reads aloud street and point-of-interest names for quicker recognition.

The good: The TomTom XL 340 S has advanced features such as lane guidance, downloadable fuel prices, and user updated maps from TomTom Map Share. Its large 4.3-inch WXGA touch screen is easy to read and to enter addresses on. Text-to-speech enhances the device's safety.

The bad: The larger size, combined with additional thickness added by an EasyPort mount, somewhat limits its portability. Routing from a moving vehicle is considerably slower than from a stationary one.

Magellan RoadMate 1470
The Magellan RoadMate matches the competition's performance and ease of use, while providing a larger screen at a lower price.

The good: The tech gadgets of Magellan RoadMate's OneTouch menu put the most commonly accessed destinations and searches at a user's fingertips at all times. The smartly designed destination confirmation screen gives users a good deal of flexibility as to how they get where they're going. Large 4.7-inch touch screen gives users more real estate for maps and menus.

The bad: Poorly designed cradle interferes with power cable when mounting. The onscreen keyboard cannot be changed from its alphabetical layout to a more familiar QWERTY layout.

Garmin Nuvi 205W
As entry-level GPS navigators go, the Garmin Nuvi 205W are still one of the best choices available for users who want speedy performance without breaking the bank.

When most people think GPS electronic gadgets, the first name that pops into mind is Garmin Nuvi. Garmin's Nuvi 200 line of navigators was an excellent blend of ease of use and value. The new Nuvi 2x5 line of GPS navigation devices seeks to build on that reputation with a few new features, while still keeping the price relatively low. The Garmin Nuvi 205W is one of two entry-level models in the 2x5 line, and features only the most basic navigation features.

The good: The Garmin Nuvi 205W features a large touch screen and an easy to understand interface. Start-up, destination entry, and trip routing/rerouting times are slightly faster than the competition. "Where am I?" feature is very useful for emergencies.

The bad: The Nuvi 205W's feature set is rather limited. Mounting cradle is bulkier than competing models and not very portable.

Saterdag 11 Augustus 2012


A story is told where a man comes across a butterfly struggling to get out of its chrysalis. Feeling sorry for the creature, the man decides to help. He cuts the chrysalis and sure enough the butterfly comes out easily. Surprisingly enough the butterfly us unable to fly; it is the struggle to leave the chrysalis that develops strength in the butterfly which would enable it to fly! Similarly, it is the challenges of life that brings out the best in young people and enables them to fly. This seems to be how life works.

When we look at successful people everywhere, we see that the most successful of them are people who have had to struggle. Many of them would have encountered many challenges before succeeding. One well known textile merchant, who now owns a chain of stores in Singapore and Malaysia, used to carry clothes items on his back and sell them from door to door when he was a young man. Another successful man, Dennis Wee the highest achiever in real estate sales in Singapore tells us in his book that he had to meet an overcome many challenges before arriving at where he is now.

Meeting challenges make the young person into a tough one when he overcomes those challenges that are presented to him. The challenges are often of the nature that he had never been prepared for. The sudden loss of his father when a young man was only 20, forced him to mature faster than an average 20 year old. He was forced to bring up a family. Bitter though he was that he had to sacrifice his youth, the young man took up the challenges and overcame them. Today his brothers and sisters are leading successful lives. All through his life, the man met many challenges, but because of the strength he had gathered when he was a young man, he overcame the challenges as if they were chaff.

Many times challenges do not appear to us before we keep away from them. It is for this purpose that there are so many adventure activities around us. It is fitting that young people part in activities that provide them with challenges, like rock climbing, sky diving, volunteer work and so on. Meeting and overcoming these challenges will make them tough and ready to face life when they are older. Just mugging and passing examinations will not prepare one for life. We must meet and overcome these challenges; for that is what life is all about. It is the young people of today who become the leaders of tomorrow.

For countries to continue too be successful, it is important that the young people learn to meet challenges and successfully overcome them. Though, it is human nature to cry out in despair at all the terrible things that happen to us, but if we look around we see that the most successful people in the world are those who had struggles to be successful, often standing against all odds. There is a lesson in the story of every successful man or woman alike!

Donderdag 09 Augustus 2012


Studies show that people would rather take out an online payday loan rather than cut back on expenses. As often as savings accounts are mentioned and suggested, many people would rather live the lifestyle they are accustomed to. So what if the terminology was changed? Instead of calling a savings account by its original name, let's try to view it as an "emergency fund".

Payday loans online provide access to emergency cash.If emergency access to cash is the attractive part to an online payday loan, how much effort would it be to "collect" (trying to avoid the "save" word) a small amount of money to use instead of turning to the low cost payday loans.

Begin with a jar or a pretty vase taking up space in the storage closet. Collect your loose change each day and begin filling up the container. Heading for a coffee shop? Set yourself a mindset which will get you to avoid stopping and place the money which would have been spent on your morning java into the container. Determined to get your coffee? Match the amount spent on this want and place an equal amount into the jar. Apply this rule towards eating out, the shoes that you just had to have because they were on sale or the pizza you brought home for dinner. Collecting money for an emergency fund may not be such a difficult job. You may just find yourself cutting back as your wallet empties itself into it just for thinking about spending the extra cash.

Collecting things is fun! So many people make hobbies out of collecting random items. There are even special shelving units purchased to display the collections. Your beautiful vase filled with money displayed on the mantel is a great reminder to you to keep collecting. Once the container is filled to the brim, take the money to the bank. Open a "you know what" account and start building your emergency cash.

The whole idea may sound silly, but if you have ever raised children, then you know that reverse psychology does work. Cutting back on those extras will become second nature in order to refrain from spending double the amount. This may even carry over into the grocery list as smarter choices are made keeping meals being made at home instead of eating out. Once you can build you collection up to a few hundred dollars, don't stop. Keep your collection going. Try to get the whole family involved. Think about setting a collections goal. Once the container is filled, the family gets a treat, an inexpensive treat.

Who knows, your emergency cash collection could continue to grow into more than just a direct payday loan amount. These loans are small, usually only a few hundred dollars even with the fees. Having a collection of your own to fall back on with keep fee charges away. Put back what you borrowed as fast as you can to keep the collection sturdy for the next time you have an emergency cash need.


An easy payday loan is a great way to cover expenses when you are short on cash. This type of small loan is ideal for such expenses as a late phone bill, a replacement tire, covering a dental bill, or even an emergency vet bill. No matter what the situation is, the easy payday loan can help you in your time of need.

However, easy payday loans are intended as loans for the short term and emergencies only. These loans are not to be considered supplemental income and should not be used for trivial situations. Using an easy payday loan for something you truly do not need can throw you deeper into debt or even hurt your credit.

It is best to use easy payday loans for something you need, like an unexpected bill to repair your car so you can get to and from work, or to cover that last dental visit. You should not use your easy payday loan to cover a shopping spree or a new hair style. It is also unwise to take out a payday loan to gamble or to pay off another payday loan. Reasons you should not abuse a payday loan in this way is that payday loans have rather high loan fees, usually up to 25%. If you take a payday loan out for something you do not need, you are not handling your money wisely.

Always make use of payday loans with care and responsibility. Before deciding to accept a lender's loan terms, always be sure to read the fine print and look for any hidden fees or costs that they may have. Be sure you understand the repayment schedule. Furthermore, it should go unsaid that you should only borrow what you know you need not what you want to spend. This way, when it comes time to repay, you will be able to afford to do so.

Woensdag 08 Augustus 2012


The number of cooking schools is growing, and many high school students and interested professionals want to know which of these schools offer competitive culinary education. But these people should be concerned more of the fundamental factors that would affect their lives the moment they set foot in the world of culinary arts.

You may think of culinary schools with grandeur and you may have high praises for people who finish the course, putting them in some kind of pedestal, as if they have accomplished something grand. The real thing for most of these people is far from your imagination.

Cooking schools are expensive.

That is just one thing you have to keep in mind. It is so expensive that many aspirants are discouraged at the first sight of the cost. They may opt for student loans to come by funds necessary for schooling. Many finish the course worried about how they are going to pay the debt.

There are many chefs who obtained their expertise without having to go through expensive education. In fact, some had to learn it for free working in the kitchens of restaurants or hotels. Not all can be that lucky though. Some had to start from somewhere like their very own kitchens. The lure of culinary school is the presence of nice equipment, state-of-the-art facilities, and seasoned chefs to provide instruction.

Many chefs think that all types of cooking education are essentially the same. Methods of cooking do not change wherever you take the course. Hence, expensive culinary education will not necessarily prepare you for the real thing. At the end of the day, it is your skill and passion that will make you do the job and not the name of the school or the cost of the education.

A culinary career is not just about cooking.

This is something all students in culinary schools should know and understand. Some are too excited to learn how to bake pastry or cook beef stewand they immediately think a culinary school can get them there. If you think of learning the art of cooking because you want to be the house cook, you probably should learn cooking another way, because it is impractical. But if you have money to burn, go ahead.

Some people imagine grand careers as chefs, but this is far from the reality. Only a few people land high paying jobs when they graduate. Many will have to deal with average paying jobs in restaurants or hotels if they ever find jobs. But if you have a passion for culinary arts, you should have no problem being in the tough industry. You may even enjoy it.

Culinary jobs involve working with other people. Collaboration is just one thing. If you are a chef working at restaurants, you have to take orders from the owner. Sometimes, your food will be criticized even if it looks nice and tastes good. This is what interested culinary students should understand. Do not enroll in a culinary school with the expectation that you will be a grand, rich chef in the future. Do so because it is what you want and you clearly know the possibilities.

Dinsdag 07 Augustus 2012


Francisco de Rabanne da Cuervo, known the world over as Paco Rabanne, was born in San Sebastian, Spain on February 18, 1934. During the Spanish civil war, he fled to France together with his mother who was then the Chief Seamstress at the Spanish salon of Balenciaga.

Paco studied architecture at the Beaux-Arts in Paris and graduated in 1964. To finance his studies, he produced fashion accessories made of plastic for Givenchy, Dior and Balenciaga. His career as a designer started in 1965 when he presented his "Unwearables" - a collection of 12 experimental contemporary dresses, which included his first plastic dress. The following year he opened his own outlet that featured metal-linked plastic-disc dresses and accessories made of plastic. His outlandish and flamboyant fashion statements totally veered away from tradition with the use of new materials and earned him the title "enfant terrible" of French fashion.

Soon, Paco Rabanne was a name to reckon with and was first in mind as a costume designer for cinema, theater and ballet. One particular standout costume he designed was for Barbarella which gathered a cult following. Although his style may have been considered bizarre and outlandish, his creations had a major influence in changing the face of fashion by pushing the boundaries of acceptable street clothing.

In 1969, he released his first fragrance, "Calandre." Today, Paco Rabanne has a popular fragrance range of 36 fragrances.

In the 80s, his creations were set apart by the use of unusual materials such as crinkled paper, cotton toweling, aluminum, patchwork leather, ostrich feathers and upholstery tassels. In 1989, Paco Rabanne was honored with the Golden Thimble Award during the First International Festival of Fashion. A year later, he opened his Paris boutique on the rue de Cherche Midi, the interiors of which were designed and constructed based on themes of metal, glass and light. It was at this point in time when Paco Rabanne came out with his women's ready-to-wear line that moved away from the usual metallic and plastic materials and started to use softer man-made fabrics like sofrina and amaretto.

Rabanne wrote several books, notable of which were "Trajectoire" (1991) and "Journey: From One Life to Another" (1997) which were personal accounts of his search for spiritual understanding and how he has applied the results of this search to his creative work. These were followed by "Le Temps Presente", "La Fin des Temps", "Has The Countdown Begun?" as well as "The Dawn of the Golden Age". His writings reveal his deep-seated interested in mysticism, astrology, out-of-body experiences and close encounters with God.

In 1999, at the age of 34, Paco Rabanne presented his final collection and retired, leaving the designing for the House of Rabanne to the younger designers and allowing himself the time to explore other art forms. By 2005, he opened the first ever exhibition of his drawings in Moscow, including a sketch dedicated to the 2004 Beslan school massacre. "I want this drawing to be sold and the money to be given to the women of Beslan," the designer said.


There is great advantage when you avail the services of companies in development finance UK. They do not only provide you the needed residential or commercial development finance. They most importantly assist you throughout the process of getting and utilizing the fund.

Development finance UK companies can assist businessmen or developers in preparing business plan. They usually have the necessary expertise in assessing the location, the market and the industry as a whole. They ensure that the proposal for residential or commercial development finance is likely to be approved by the lenders and will have positive returns in the end. Once the business plan is done, they look for appropriate lenders for the kind of project at hand.

There are lenders who specialize in residential development finance and there are those in commercial development finance. The companies in development finance UK are able to spot each specializations and source out the application accordingly.

The development finance UK is also the ones compiling finance applications. They are the ones providing feedback or status of the applications to the borrower. Aside from this, the development finance UK is the one who negotiate lenders for preferred rates and terms. For example if the developer is looking for a 100% development finance under mezzanine financing, the company in development finance UK will be the one to negotiate for the fund.

Approval and terms of 100% development finance will be based on the business plan and the background of the developer. All in all, the need for residential and commercial development finance is best met with the companies for development finance UK and they are there through the process of managing and delivering the finance application.

Saterdag 04 Augustus 2012


These goals are also required to be achieved if successful attempts are to be assured. Without the right approach, no job can be secured in life and this is the basic lesson for every student with each attempt they make in their lives. But smart are those, who have the basics fed in their mind, much before the exam dates are published.

Banking ideas strong for strength to succeed in HDFC

If people are seeking jobs in the HDFC bank, then they need to be aware about the background, functions and their contribution for the growth of this private bank of India. HDFC bank has emerged as one of the top most banking institutions in the country, with a huge turnover and large number of customers, being catered through thousands of branches across the country. There are about 2150 branches of HDFC banks across the country. Furthermore, these banks have different divisions dealing in various activities such as mutual funds, investments, loans, financial transactions, etc. These activities are projected to be increased further in 2013, so that HDFC bank recruitment 2013 will require more number of banking executives and managerial candidates. A large number of posts are being invited through HDFC bank recruitment 2013 such as customer executives, relationship managers, managers, service representatives and others. If people are aiming to join HDFC bank, then they are required to understand that they need to be smart and have the aptitude to be selected from among the candidates who have applied.

GATE as the gateway to HPCL

A basic that has a strong association with the HPCL recruitment 2013 is that of the Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineers or GATE exam 2013. HPCL or Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited is a Navratna company of India, responsible for the supply of petroleum products in the country. It operates in such a large scale that there is always a huge requirement of executives, who can manage the functioning of this organization. In the HPCL recruitment 2013, about 250 posts have been invited for graduate engineering trainees, in different disciplines like civil, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and electronics and instrumentation. Candidates need to apply for the HPCL recruitment 2013 posts, but will have to appear in the GATE 2013. Then the score of GATE and the interview marks will be helpful in deciding about the final selections.

Aptitude for IB takes into the intricate world

Intelligence Bureau or IB is India's top most internal intelligence agency, which carries out gathering and analysis of sensitive and secretive information about the country. IB recruitment 2013 would be open for candidates from different educational backgrounds, inciting millions of candidates from different regions to become recruited as Assistant Central Intelligence Officer. Not only the process of selection is quite intricate, but also is quite competitive for the applicants. This is because of the large number of applicants pursuing such an opportunity. Candidates need to understand the very fact that they have to be smart, show the skills to be an intelligence officer and the aptitude to work in a secretive manner.

Each job has its particular requirements, which the interested and aspiring candidates need to understand. These make for the basics of the individual recruitments in Intelligence Bureau, HPCL and also in HDFC Bank. Only through such a single minded realization of the basic, candidates would be coming out with flying colors in any exam they appear or interviews they sit for.

Vrydag 03 Augustus 2012


The articulated dump truck is probably the toughest commercial vehicle ever built. This hard-working vehicle is specifically designed to run on muddy and rocky terrains while carrying a load that is larger than what could be carried with a conventional dump truck. Its articulated frame is ideal for such working conditions as it moves with greater ease and is separated from the cab by an oscillating hitch which allows the cab and the body to move separately from each other. This in turn reduces the stress on the truck's frame and allows the wheels to remain on the ground.

Moveable Chassis

One of the unique features of the ADT is the moveable chassis. While conventional dump trucks are built on a one-piece chassis that holds both the cab and the bed, the ADT is quite different. It is actually made up of two major parts: the cab and the body that holds the dump bed. These two components are linked together via a massive oscillating or moveable hinge which allows the body with the cab and the body with the dump bed to move separately from each other.

Unique Steering

The vehicle's steering system is also different. To steer it, two massive hydraulic rams are attached to the cab and bed. This moves the cab and points it in the proper direction, allowing for tighter turns and better movement.

Unlike the rack-and-pinion steering system used on conventional commercial vehicles, the artic hinge steering system used on ADT's is far more flexible so it can tackle any terrain with all wheels on the ground. The massive joint also makes it possible for the vehicle to have higher capacity limits than conventional dump trucks.

Differential Lock System

The ADT typically comes in 4X4, 6X6, or 6X4 drive configurations. Each tire on the truck generates power to move the vehicle via a differential lock system that is designed to divide the drive-train torque between the front and rear drives. Along with wider and lower tires, this gives the truck superior traction as needed to handle steep grades or poor terrains with more power instead of speed. The ADT's engine and transmission are designed this way due to the fact that ADT's are typically used for hauling short distances, under conditions that more traditional dump trucks would be unable to handle efficiently if at all.


Even the ADT's cab is built with practicality in mind. The cab only has enough room for one person. The driver is located centrally inside the cab with great outside visibility. The driver's seat is surrounded with different controls in a good, easy-to-use configuration.

Despite its many advantage, ADT's will not be replacing the conventional dump trucks just yet. Despite its many advantages, it also has its limitations, the main one being that the design is conducive for a particular driving condition which is not found on every job. It is certainly not conducive to extended normal road driving. Also, these articulating dump trucks come with a pretty hefty price tag.

The articulated dump truck established itself as being very useful for extreme hauling on harsh terrains. Most of the businesses that make use of the services of an ADT are mining companies and construction companies. For them, the ADT has proven to be the ideal vehicle that can provide the reliability and efficiency they need and it truly has become love at first sight' for every company that owns them!

Donderdag 02 Augustus 2012


In recent times, Master Limited Partnerships or MLPs have started to gain popularity owing to their steady returns, even during recessionary times. Even as the stock markets tanked in the wake of the sub-prime mortgage crisis, MLPs continued to deliver healthy returns. This is owing to the commodity nature of their business, dealing primarily with oil and gas and not subject to short-term variations. In other words, even during times of recession, people will buy gas and that ensures MLPs will deliver returns. And then there are the tax incentives.

Before embarking on the history of the Master Limited Partnership, let's first define what it is. As its name suggests, it is a limited partnership. It combines the tax benefits of a limited partnership with the liquidity value of the tradable stock. In order to qualify for an enterprise to issue Master Limited Partnerships it needs to earn 90% of its profits through activities related to natural assets, real estate or commodities.

The first MLP to be launched was one by the Apache Oil Company in 1981. Its aim was to tap smaller investors for capital while allowing them to become partners. This was soon followed by other oil and gas companies following suit, with real estate companies joining in as well. Legislators became concerned with the meteoric rise in MLPs, with restaurants, hotels, amusement parks and even the Boston Celtics going down this route in order to save on corporate tax.

As a result, new tax laws were formulated. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 and Revenue Act of 1987 put in place restrictions that adequately eliminated preferential tax treatment for all MLPs except those with 90% of their incomes derived from various natural resource activities, such as oil and gas exploration, production, transportation, and so on.

Consequently, many of the earlier MLPs ceased to exist, transforming themselves back to corporations. As of today, there are around 55 MLPs trading on American markets. Most of them deal with midstream energy distribution, transportation, and terminal assets. Some of the newer ones deal with industrial source carbon dioxide (include in the tax code in 2008), and the transportation and storage of ethanol, biodiesel and other alternative fuels (also added in 2008).

Like the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average that track stock performance, MLP performances are tracked by the Alerian MLP index or AMZ. Alerian was founded in 2004 by Gabriel Hammond as an MLP asset manager. The AMZ was born on June 6, 2006, when JP Morgan formally announced its operation. The index is distributed everyday through ticker AMZX and is present on Alerian's website. In addition, S&P calculates 10 years of historical index data on both a charge and total return basis.

Some of the larger MLPs, by market capitalization, are Enterprise Product Partners (Ticker: EPD), Kinder Morgan Energy Partners (KMP), Williams Partners (WPZ), Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) and Plains All American Pipeline (PAA). The last year has also seen the launch of MLP mutual funds that have further opened up this sector.