Dealing with money can be risky. Most people don't want to gamble too much with their own money. The world of cash advances is no different. When handling these short-term loans it's important to be fully aware of what's going on.
One vital rule is to work only with a reputable lender. If you want to see the business and work with people face to face, going into a personal loan business is a good way to critique it. Analyzing a cash advance site online can be more difficult. The recent economical hard times have allowed payday loan sites to flourish. If you're going to borrow money online, be sure that you trust the online lender. A good sign is if the lender posts or sends you its lending policies. Also, before you commit to borrow money the lender should inform you of the charge for borrowing money as well as the penalty for not repaying it on time. Only work with the lenders who value openness and honesty.
Another good trait to look for is a strong lending history. It's very important that a company lends responsibly. A hassle-free process shouldn't be a substitute for low or no standards. Another good rule is this: if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. The Internet is a great resource to judge a payday loan site's character. There are a handful of different sources you can use to find helpful information about payday loans.
Certainly you don't want to be overdue on your cash advance repayment. The late penalties on payday loans are very stiff. Knowing your rights is an important part of dealing with this situation. At no time is a company allowed to threaten you with imprisonment or any other harassment. It's dangerous to give personal information like a social security number or credit card numbers on the phone. Remember you always have the option to request that loan information be mailed to you. There are several government agencies where you can report illegal practices.
A loan doesn't have to be a burden if you handle it carefully. If you don't understand something, all you have to do is read or ask a question. It's your money and no doubt you want to protect it.
Woensdag 31 Oktober 2012
Like many of you, I am always looking for a new way to make a buck. Also like many of you, I have looked into a number of opportunities in several fields. For example, I have owned several pieces of real estate. I am currently a landlord and have been for 15 years. I see no reason to believe that I will not be for the next 15. I have bought and held onto a property for years and sold when I thought the market was right or wanted to avoid having to put K into it for the next tenant.
I always struggled with making a decent return on the House Flip. Buy and hold has done right by me. I find that no matter how dilapidated a house is, the owner is never so stupid to sell to me at 50 cents on the dollar. When I have been able to buy under-market, the cost of upgrades ate into my profits.
The foreclosure route was not much better. Those foreclosure auctions seem to attract enough of a crowd these days to drive up the price to near market.
Even though I have a preference for buy and hold, everyone who hears that I have invested in real estate wants to here about my experience as it relates to flipping houses.
"How many have you bought and sold this year?"
"uh.., none but I did last year and I wish I held onto it."
"No you did the right thing. Where are you looking now? Can I get in?"
People love the flip. Everyone want to flip a house. I can even watch some cable TV shows about flipping houses. If you are a house flipper - power to you. I dislike the pressure of having to move it quickly. I like knowing I will hold onto a property for a and get a better return.
If you want to flip something, I have a better suggestion - sports and concert tickets. Half of you said to yourselves "Ticket scalping?" and the other have asked "Is that legal?". Yes and yes are the quick answers but let's take a closer look at the concept and the ability to make money.
Ticket scalping gets a bad rap. Somewhere it got embedded in our minds that we have an inherent right to purchase tickets for our local team or concert directly from the source. Anything that impedes that is an attack on our basic human rights. Hogwash. As an entrepreneur, you have the right to seek out markets where there is a limited supply of a product and the demand exceeds that supply. Tickets fit the bill.
Still not sold? I figured a few of you needed more. I brought up the house flipping scenario for a reason. People love the house flip. Buy under market value, slap a coat of paint on and sell over market value. The value the house flipper brings to the table is upgrading the "curb appeal". I haven't met a house flipper yet who wanted to upgrade the heating system. Now what do which is closer to meeting a basic need - shelter or a baseball ticket? Not even close.
Please do not read this the wrong way. I am not attacking house flippers. I love house flippers. I have done it and will do it again. But the general population loves the house flipper and loathes the ticket flipper. One serves a want and one serves a need.
Now hopefully most of you have made the mental switch that it is OK to flip tickets. Lets get down to business and talk about how some people are making money at it and why this is a good thing to look into.
Let's start with the reasons this is a good market to jump into
Low barriers to entry - You can pick a hot concert touring the country buy some tickets for a few hundred dollars and resell them on line. It is not unheard of to get a 20 - 50% return on a deal like this if the show is popular. While you might not retire on a few hundred dollars profit, there is always someone touring that you can score some tickets to. Not a lot of industries offer an ability to get in and out so quickly without much cost.
Quick Inventory turnover - If you are buying and selling concert tickets, you might be holding your inventory for about three months on the long end. Like Sports? If you are working with sports tickets you might hold them for six months. Regardless, when you are making 20 - 50% returns in a two to six month period, the annual return is that much higher.
Many places to sell - there are several places to sell your tickets online. Each has some pros and cons. ebay of course seems to have the most volume, but you have to deal with your own shipping, listing fees and the expected eBay buyer who decides not to buy after all. Stubhub seems to be the leader of the pack in the non-eBay crowd. They have completed over 12 million transactions. The have higher fees than eBay but they include the shipping, only charge a fee when something sells and take care of all those nasty people who change their mind about buying your product. RazorGator is another place that follows the StubHub model. They just do not get as much traffic.
TicketNetwork and EventInventory each have high volume but these places cater to the full-time ticket broker instead of the person doing this on the side or a newbie. Lastly, if you want to scrape the bottom of the barrel and make extra work for yourself, you can always post your inventory on CraigsList.
Is it Legal? - While there are some restrictions in some states - every where else it is fair game. For example, If I live in New York and the venue seats more than 6,000 people, I can only mark the ticket up by 45%. If I do not live in New York, I can sell the ticket for any amount I choose.
The laws regarding this are old and are written to keep people away from selling tickets outside a stadium. In an online world they are just antiquated. There is a trend in state legislatures to ease up on these laws. With a market size billion dollars, go figure that ebay and StubHub have hired some lobbyists to help ease up on the laws.
Flipping tickets is a good place for an entrepreneur to look into making some cash. At least compare to flipping houses, it has lower startup cost, higher returns and quicker turnover. Everything you want in a business.
Whether you want to dive off the deep end solo or get some help from people who have been there. That help is relatively inexpensive and provides a high value regardless of where you get it from. It is definitely cheaper than a real estate attorney.
I always struggled with making a decent return on the House Flip. Buy and hold has done right by me. I find that no matter how dilapidated a house is, the owner is never so stupid to sell to me at 50 cents on the dollar. When I have been able to buy under-market, the cost of upgrades ate into my profits.
The foreclosure route was not much better. Those foreclosure auctions seem to attract enough of a crowd these days to drive up the price to near market.
Even though I have a preference for buy and hold, everyone who hears that I have invested in real estate wants to here about my experience as it relates to flipping houses.
"How many have you bought and sold this year?"
"uh.., none but I did last year and I wish I held onto it."
"No you did the right thing. Where are you looking now? Can I get in?"
People love the flip. Everyone want to flip a house. I can even watch some cable TV shows about flipping houses. If you are a house flipper - power to you. I dislike the pressure of having to move it quickly. I like knowing I will hold onto a property for a and get a better return.
If you want to flip something, I have a better suggestion - sports and concert tickets. Half of you said to yourselves "Ticket scalping?" and the other have asked "Is that legal?". Yes and yes are the quick answers but let's take a closer look at the concept and the ability to make money.
Ticket scalping gets a bad rap. Somewhere it got embedded in our minds that we have an inherent right to purchase tickets for our local team or concert directly from the source. Anything that impedes that is an attack on our basic human rights. Hogwash. As an entrepreneur, you have the right to seek out markets where there is a limited supply of a product and the demand exceeds that supply. Tickets fit the bill.
Still not sold? I figured a few of you needed more. I brought up the house flipping scenario for a reason. People love the house flip. Buy under market value, slap a coat of paint on and sell over market value. The value the house flipper brings to the table is upgrading the "curb appeal". I haven't met a house flipper yet who wanted to upgrade the heating system. Now what do which is closer to meeting a basic need - shelter or a baseball ticket? Not even close.
Please do not read this the wrong way. I am not attacking house flippers. I love house flippers. I have done it and will do it again. But the general population loves the house flipper and loathes the ticket flipper. One serves a want and one serves a need.
Now hopefully most of you have made the mental switch that it is OK to flip tickets. Lets get down to business and talk about how some people are making money at it and why this is a good thing to look into.
Let's start with the reasons this is a good market to jump into
Low barriers to entry - You can pick a hot concert touring the country buy some tickets for a few hundred dollars and resell them on line. It is not unheard of to get a 20 - 50% return on a deal like this if the show is popular. While you might not retire on a few hundred dollars profit, there is always someone touring that you can score some tickets to. Not a lot of industries offer an ability to get in and out so quickly without much cost.
Quick Inventory turnover - If you are buying and selling concert tickets, you might be holding your inventory for about three months on the long end. Like Sports? If you are working with sports tickets you might hold them for six months. Regardless, when you are making 20 - 50% returns in a two to six month period, the annual return is that much higher.
Many places to sell - there are several places to sell your tickets online. Each has some pros and cons. ebay of course seems to have the most volume, but you have to deal with your own shipping, listing fees and the expected eBay buyer who decides not to buy after all. Stubhub seems to be the leader of the pack in the non-eBay crowd. They have completed over 12 million transactions. The have higher fees than eBay but they include the shipping, only charge a fee when something sells and take care of all those nasty people who change their mind about buying your product. RazorGator is another place that follows the StubHub model. They just do not get as much traffic.
TicketNetwork and EventInventory each have high volume but these places cater to the full-time ticket broker instead of the person doing this on the side or a newbie. Lastly, if you want to scrape the bottom of the barrel and make extra work for yourself, you can always post your inventory on CraigsList.
Is it Legal? - While there are some restrictions in some states - every where else it is fair game. For example, If I live in New York and the venue seats more than 6,000 people, I can only mark the ticket up by 45%. If I do not live in New York, I can sell the ticket for any amount I choose.
The laws regarding this are old and are written to keep people away from selling tickets outside a stadium. In an online world they are just antiquated. There is a trend in state legislatures to ease up on these laws. With a market size billion dollars, go figure that ebay and StubHub have hired some lobbyists to help ease up on the laws.
Flipping tickets is a good place for an entrepreneur to look into making some cash. At least compare to flipping houses, it has lower startup cost, higher returns and quicker turnover. Everything you want in a business.
Whether you want to dive off the deep end solo or get some help from people who have been there. That help is relatively inexpensive and provides a high value regardless of where you get it from. It is definitely cheaper than a real estate attorney.
Dinsdag 30 Oktober 2012
Are you an individual, a common man who toils day and night, up and down to earn three meals a day? If yes, then do you at times come home depressed with a look of betrayal on your face? There can be reasons like someone withdrew cash from your credit card and you have no clue how; the television you purchased for your family is not properly functioning, the shopkeeper refused to take the onus even though the TV is in the warranty period or somebody stole the information from your email account by hacking it?...this is the plight of today's consumer, who at the end of the day comes back home defeated and cursing his fate and today's world.
But one should never forget that God only helps those who help themselves. You can never be beaten unless you admit that you have lost; similarly no one can deceive you unless you let him do so. Thus, it is time for the consumers to wake up and realize that nothing will happen by sitting hands on hands, more than talking of action, one should believe in implementing or doing it. Howsoever one may try it is impractical to erase theft, fraud etc. form our society. In this case the only option left is to take preventive measures.
The first and the foremost step for a consumer to prevent himself from cheating is to keep his eyes and ears open. Know or be aware of what is happening around you. Read the cases of various scams, thefts, burglaries, phishing scams etc. in that are highlighted in your local newspaper and also seen on television. This will keep you informed and conscious of what is going on and what can unfortunately even happen with you.
Learn from the mistakes of your neighbors. If a shopkeeper has given a malfunctioning gadget to your neighbor, do not make the mistake of going to that shop. If somebody stole important mails from their mailbox, do make it a point to collect all your crucial mails directly from the post office.
Never reveal personal identity to a stranger. You go for a morning walk and a man over their tries to be extra amiable even asks you to come home for lunch etc. does not imply that he wants your friendship or that he is a genuine person. So do not disclose your residence, telephone numbers, your workplace numbers etc. to him unless you gather complete information from a known person about him. Avoid giving personal details on phone. If you receive calls from unknown place that offers you some benefits and asks for your particulars, don't be carried away by that. Tell your particulars only when you are sure that the call is genuine and that there is no other way out.
Do not rely much on courier services. If you an access to the place where you have to deliver the parcel, take out some time and go yourself.
Do not hand over your credit or debit cards even to your friends. It is foolish to trust someone blindly nowadays. Never tell your friends or colleagues to check your mails while you are holidaying with your family. It is not wise to let others know your password and mails.
When you are out for shopping in the market, do not carry much cash. Keep the tentative amount and credit or debit card in case of emergency. This will not only help you do a regulated shopping but will also save you from many pitfalls.
Before purchasing any commodity, always read the manufacturing date, the expiry date and the MRP carefully.
Never forget to take all the bills and an assurance for the warranty period. Take the bills for each and every thing you buy and it is advisable to take things on a longer warranty basis even if you have to pay a little more for it.
If while coming back home you lose your wallet, call up the police and register your complaint. This can protect you from the illegal use your documents by the one who picks them up. It is better that you de not carry your essentials every time you move out of the house.
Keep all the emergency numbers (like the social security unit of your area, the police station number etc.) stored in your mobile phone. Also what is vital for your security is to keep a back up record in a diary of all the essential numbers in your phone and addresses. This will facilitate you with all the information in case you lose your mobile phone.
Wake Up, Its Time to Retaliate by Being Cautious and Not to Sit Quiet.
But one should never forget that God only helps those who help themselves. You can never be beaten unless you admit that you have lost; similarly no one can deceive you unless you let him do so. Thus, it is time for the consumers to wake up and realize that nothing will happen by sitting hands on hands, more than talking of action, one should believe in implementing or doing it. Howsoever one may try it is impractical to erase theft, fraud etc. form our society. In this case the only option left is to take preventive measures.
The first and the foremost step for a consumer to prevent himself from cheating is to keep his eyes and ears open. Know or be aware of what is happening around you. Read the cases of various scams, thefts, burglaries, phishing scams etc. in that are highlighted in your local newspaper and also seen on television. This will keep you informed and conscious of what is going on and what can unfortunately even happen with you.
Learn from the mistakes of your neighbors. If a shopkeeper has given a malfunctioning gadget to your neighbor, do not make the mistake of going to that shop. If somebody stole important mails from their mailbox, do make it a point to collect all your crucial mails directly from the post office.
Never reveal personal identity to a stranger. You go for a morning walk and a man over their tries to be extra amiable even asks you to come home for lunch etc. does not imply that he wants your friendship or that he is a genuine person. So do not disclose your residence, telephone numbers, your workplace numbers etc. to him unless you gather complete information from a known person about him. Avoid giving personal details on phone. If you receive calls from unknown place that offers you some benefits and asks for your particulars, don't be carried away by that. Tell your particulars only when you are sure that the call is genuine and that there is no other way out.
Do not rely much on courier services. If you an access to the place where you have to deliver the parcel, take out some time and go yourself.
Do not hand over your credit or debit cards even to your friends. It is foolish to trust someone blindly nowadays. Never tell your friends or colleagues to check your mails while you are holidaying with your family. It is not wise to let others know your password and mails.
When you are out for shopping in the market, do not carry much cash. Keep the tentative amount and credit or debit card in case of emergency. This will not only help you do a regulated shopping but will also save you from many pitfalls.
Before purchasing any commodity, always read the manufacturing date, the expiry date and the MRP carefully.
Never forget to take all the bills and an assurance for the warranty period. Take the bills for each and every thing you buy and it is advisable to take things on a longer warranty basis even if you have to pay a little more for it.
If while coming back home you lose your wallet, call up the police and register your complaint. This can protect you from the illegal use your documents by the one who picks them up. It is better that you de not carry your essentials every time you move out of the house.
Keep all the emergency numbers (like the social security unit of your area, the police station number etc.) stored in your mobile phone. Also what is vital for your security is to keep a back up record in a diary of all the essential numbers in your phone and addresses. This will facilitate you with all the information in case you lose your mobile phone.
Wake Up, Its Time to Retaliate by Being Cautious and Not to Sit Quiet.
Donderdag 25 Oktober 2012
Short term loans like payday are those which can be availed for specific purposes and emergency needs. These loans are known by numerous names such as cash advance loans, check advance loans, post dated loans, or deferred deposit check loans. These loans generally bridge in the cash gap that might spring up before the next pay cheque arrives. These loans can utilized to meet the unforeseen expenses like medical or car repair bill, travel expenses and even general expenses like grocery bills etc.
Application for payday loan can be made even on weekends. The finance can be borrowed up to 1500 as a payday loan, for a month or so. The mode of repayment is also easy. The loan amount can be paid back by a salaried person through pay cheque. Incase if the repayment day has to be postponed, you can feel free to talk with the lender about rescheduling the due date for which an interest rate will be charged upon.
The finance proves to be the best alternative during any urgent situations. The loan is granted only on the basis of employment, salary, debit card, other financial commitments, etc .It can save the day when you are in urgent need of financial aid. So, it is advisable for you to do an extensive market research before you opt for a loan deal.
Payday loans are the best way to cope with the financial crunch for which all other options have been exhausted. The finance can be used incase of an unfortunate bad credit score. It also helps to increase the overall family welfare. Approval for these loans is made instantly; you can apply for this loan by answering a few simple questions about the tenure of your current job, bank account and your net pay.
Application for payday loan can be made even on weekends. The finance can be borrowed up to 1500 as a payday loan, for a month or so. The mode of repayment is also easy. The loan amount can be paid back by a salaried person through pay cheque. Incase if the repayment day has to be postponed, you can feel free to talk with the lender about rescheduling the due date for which an interest rate will be charged upon.
The finance proves to be the best alternative during any urgent situations. The loan is granted only on the basis of employment, salary, debit card, other financial commitments, etc .It can save the day when you are in urgent need of financial aid. So, it is advisable for you to do an extensive market research before you opt for a loan deal.
Payday loans are the best way to cope with the financial crunch for which all other options have been exhausted. The finance can be used incase of an unfortunate bad credit score. It also helps to increase the overall family welfare. Approval for these loans is made instantly; you can apply for this loan by answering a few simple questions about the tenure of your current job, bank account and your net pay.
Maandag 22 Oktober 2012
Before purchasing any sites especially agriculture land for non agriculture purpose approval under relevant laws viz. Karnataka Land Reforms Act, 1961, the Karnataka Land Revenue Act, 1964 along rules and other provisions of law is must. And Bangalore Metropolitan Regional development Authority (BMRDA) is regulating authority to approve layouts on outskirts of Bangalore.
Clear title and documentation are hard to come by with agricultural land of Bangalore (Karnataka). The following is a useful checklist of documents for review by a Bangalore law firm / lawyer before purchasing Agricultural land:
Mother deed and sale deed: It is very important document to trace the ownership of agriculture land. And it is basic document that shows how the property at the commencement was acquired there after there will be series of transactions such as sale gift law in Bangalore etc.
Akarbandi: Land topography sketch issued by State Revenue Authority viz. survey department. It establishes the survey number and to whom the particular survey number was originally allotted and the land / property revenue assessment details.
Encumbrance Certificate: Certificate from State Revenue Authority stating that there is no lien on the land / property (Has to be obtained for the last 30 years)
Family Tree of the vendor: State Revenue Authority document required to ascertain whether other family members have a stake in the property
Saguvali Chit: It is also called Grant Certificate. This is issued on Form No..VII in case of grant of Govt. land to the eligible persons for cultivation. This establishes title of the persons in the Saguvali Chit to the land granted.
Conversion Order: Conversion certificate has to be obtained for non agriculture purpose & that has to be checked to determine whether it is DC converted or not.
Khata and up to date Tax-paid receipts: Khata in Form MAR 19 (issued prior to 19. 05.2003) along up to date Tax-paid receipts.
Land Acquisition Status: Endorsements from State Revenue Authority certifying the Govt. acquisition status for the property for instance Notification by B.D.A. or KIADB for acquisition.
Mutation Extracts: History of changes in ownership (for 30 years) as documented in the Khatha Certificates issued by the State Revenue Authority. This is an extract from the mutation register maintained by the village property accountant.
NIL Tenancy Certificate/Form No.7 Endorsement: State Revenue Authority certification stating whether the land has any tenants. This issued by the Tasildar. This endorsement certifies that there no tenancy cases pending in respect of property in question as per the KLR act 1961.
Podi Extracts: Property partition document among siblings if any.
Property Tax Paid Receipt: Latest tax receipt validating that the property tax status is current.
RTC (Record of Rights) / Phani: This is primary record issued by the villager Accountant. It contains details of Survey number, total extent of land property, names of the owner including details as to conversion of land from agriculture to non- agriculture property. (has to be obtained for the last 30 years as per Bangalore law)
Section 79A & B endorsement U/KLR Act, 1961: These are issued by Tahsildar. These endorsement certifies that there no cases pending against the person owning the agriculture land / property.
Village Survey Map: Land location sketch
Patta Book: This book contains information regarding the payment of land revenue and other Govt. dues & information of cultivation. And also contains a copy of the record of rights to the land / property situated in Bangalore.
Tippani: This issued by the Survey Dept. It shows a sketch of the land as the records of the survey Dept.
Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP), Zonal Regulation Map and Survey Map. Apart from the above property should not come within the Green Belt Area.
Clear title and documentation are hard to come by with agricultural land of Bangalore (Karnataka). The following is a useful checklist of documents for review by a Bangalore law firm / lawyer before purchasing Agricultural land:
Mother deed and sale deed: It is very important document to trace the ownership of agriculture land. And it is basic document that shows how the property at the commencement was acquired there after there will be series of transactions such as sale gift law in Bangalore etc.
Akarbandi: Land topography sketch issued by State Revenue Authority viz. survey department. It establishes the survey number and to whom the particular survey number was originally allotted and the land / property revenue assessment details.
Encumbrance Certificate: Certificate from State Revenue Authority stating that there is no lien on the land / property (Has to be obtained for the last 30 years)
Family Tree of the vendor: State Revenue Authority document required to ascertain whether other family members have a stake in the property
Saguvali Chit: It is also called Grant Certificate. This is issued on Form No..VII in case of grant of Govt. land to the eligible persons for cultivation. This establishes title of the persons in the Saguvali Chit to the land granted.
Conversion Order: Conversion certificate has to be obtained for non agriculture purpose & that has to be checked to determine whether it is DC converted or not.
Khata and up to date Tax-paid receipts: Khata in Form MAR 19 (issued prior to 19. 05.2003) along up to date Tax-paid receipts.
Land Acquisition Status: Endorsements from State Revenue Authority certifying the Govt. acquisition status for the property for instance Notification by B.D.A. or KIADB for acquisition.
Mutation Extracts: History of changes in ownership (for 30 years) as documented in the Khatha Certificates issued by the State Revenue Authority. This is an extract from the mutation register maintained by the village property accountant.
NIL Tenancy Certificate/Form No.7 Endorsement: State Revenue Authority certification stating whether the land has any tenants. This issued by the Tasildar. This endorsement certifies that there no tenancy cases pending in respect of property in question as per the KLR act 1961.
Podi Extracts: Property partition document among siblings if any.
Property Tax Paid Receipt: Latest tax receipt validating that the property tax status is current.
RTC (Record of Rights) / Phani: This is primary record issued by the villager Accountant. It contains details of Survey number, total extent of land property, names of the owner including details as to conversion of land from agriculture to non- agriculture property. (has to be obtained for the last 30 years as per Bangalore law)
Section 79A & B endorsement U/KLR Act, 1961: These are issued by Tahsildar. These endorsement certifies that there no cases pending against the person owning the agriculture land / property.
Village Survey Map: Land location sketch
Patta Book: This book contains information regarding the payment of land revenue and other Govt. dues & information of cultivation. And also contains a copy of the record of rights to the land / property situated in Bangalore.
Tippani: This issued by the Survey Dept. It shows a sketch of the land as the records of the survey Dept.
Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP), Zonal Regulation Map and Survey Map. Apart from the above property should not come within the Green Belt Area.
Donderdag 18 Oktober 2012
It is common for people to consider filing bankruptcy when they find they are financially over extended. If you find yourself in this situation you will need to understand what debts can be eliminated and which cannot. Filing either a Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 will help you eliminate credit card debt, however you cannot include such things as child support or student loans. It is a good idea to look into the bankruptcy help San Mateo provides.
When you are looking at your financial situation, you may consider filing for bankruptcy. You should have a good understanding what you can include in your case and what you cannot. A Chapter 7 may not help in certain cases, while a Chapter 13 can. See the help of a lawyer to help you learn which filing is right for you.
You need to know what debt liquidation means for you. If you have a lot of credit card debts, this will successfully eliminate them. Keep in mind that if you have secured credit cards you cannot discharge the debt. This is because the debt has been secured by the purchases you made using the card. The creditors have the right to repossess the property. Only unsecured credit card debt or other unsecured debts can be eliminated.
Filing a Chapter 7 can completely rid you of the unsecured debt you currently have. If you file a Chapter 13 a repayment plan is developed that will require that you pay a part of the unsecured debts. However, if at the end of the repayment plan you have unsecured debt remaining, it will be discharged.
Filing your case can also stop collection actions and harassment from creditors. Once you have filed your petition you receive an automatic stay. Creditors should stop attempting to collect the debt. If they continue with threatening letters and phone calls you need to seek the assistance of your attorney. Also, contact your attorney if there is any attempt to foreclose on your mortgage or repossess a car.
You should also understand that a creditor can place a lien against your property and give them the right to repossess. This kind of a lien will survive liquidation of debt if the proper steps are not taken to prevent it. Your lawyer can deal with this type of lien by imposing the proper procedures.
Understand that bankruptcy will not keep a secured creditor from taking back property. You cannot include child support, student loans, or alimony in your case. Also, bankruptcy cannot be used to get rid of a tax debt you may have. Court fines and penalties for violation of laws, and debts that are related to the death or injury of another as the result of driving while under the influence, cannot be included in the filing and eliminated.
Each situation varies and needs to be assessed by someone who is well versed in the law. A professional will be able to determine what type of case you need to file. If you are thinking about what remedies may be at your disposal, you may want to the bankruptcy help San Mateo can provide.
When you are looking at your financial situation, you may consider filing for bankruptcy. You should have a good understanding what you can include in your case and what you cannot. A Chapter 7 may not help in certain cases, while a Chapter 13 can. See the help of a lawyer to help you learn which filing is right for you.
You need to know what debt liquidation means for you. If you have a lot of credit card debts, this will successfully eliminate them. Keep in mind that if you have secured credit cards you cannot discharge the debt. This is because the debt has been secured by the purchases you made using the card. The creditors have the right to repossess the property. Only unsecured credit card debt or other unsecured debts can be eliminated.
Filing a Chapter 7 can completely rid you of the unsecured debt you currently have. If you file a Chapter 13 a repayment plan is developed that will require that you pay a part of the unsecured debts. However, if at the end of the repayment plan you have unsecured debt remaining, it will be discharged.
Filing your case can also stop collection actions and harassment from creditors. Once you have filed your petition you receive an automatic stay. Creditors should stop attempting to collect the debt. If they continue with threatening letters and phone calls you need to seek the assistance of your attorney. Also, contact your attorney if there is any attempt to foreclose on your mortgage or repossess a car.
You should also understand that a creditor can place a lien against your property and give them the right to repossess. This kind of a lien will survive liquidation of debt if the proper steps are not taken to prevent it. Your lawyer can deal with this type of lien by imposing the proper procedures.
Understand that bankruptcy will not keep a secured creditor from taking back property. You cannot include child support, student loans, or alimony in your case. Also, bankruptcy cannot be used to get rid of a tax debt you may have. Court fines and penalties for violation of laws, and debts that are related to the death or injury of another as the result of driving while under the influence, cannot be included in the filing and eliminated.
Each situation varies and needs to be assessed by someone who is well versed in the law. A professional will be able to determine what type of case you need to file. If you are thinking about what remedies may be at your disposal, you may want to the bankruptcy help San Mateo can provide.
Woensdag 17 Oktober 2012
Debt collectors are supposed to follow a set of rules when contacting people who owe money. But more often than not they break them, utilizing offensive, underhanded, and disrespectful tactics.
Once you know your rights and are aware of the rules, you have the means to deal with the debt collectors who harass you.
According to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, debt collectors cannot:
Call you before 8am or later than 8pm.
Call your family and friends to discuss your debt.
Say they will garnish your wages.
Say they will come to your home or job and arrest you.
Contact you after you have sent them a cease and desist letter.
Collection agents will use a variety of techniques to play on your fears and lack of awareness.
Here are some examples of the rotten tactics they use:
Dear Mr. Victim, we have a wage garnishment order here at our office. If you would like to take voluntary action to prevent the order from being enforced, please call 1-800-gotcha
That is a total lie. A wage garnishment is a court matter. If someone sues you, you're supposed to get a notice from the court in the mail saying so. Only a judge can determine how much gets deducted from your earnings. Child support and taxes are well known situations where garnishment occurs. If collection agencies had the legal authority to do so, everyone who owed money to anyone would notice a deduction in their paychecks.
We will have you picked up from your place of work or residence
Another fear tactic. Collection agents try to avoid saying they will have you arrested because it's against the law. So, they imply that they will have you arrested.
Owing money is not a criminal act. Therefore you won't do time for a maxed-out credit card. Check the internet, or ask people you trust. When was the last time you heard of anyone being arrested for owing money??
I am a state process server employed by the state of so-and-so to issue court documents regarding a debt you owe
Blatant deceit! A real process server never tells anyone what he's doing or reveals his identity. They simply locate you, and, if possible, serve you. Process servers expect people to try and avoid being served. That's why they use techniques like disguises to catch you unawares. It's against the law for a collection agent to say they are a state employee when they're not. Collection agents don't have the courage to do what a process server does. They spend all day in a cubicle working a phone and harass people.
Suggested action:
If you feel you are being harassed by a collection agency, make sure you document the agent's name, date, time and the agency they work for. Also, document what was said in as much detail as possible.
Contact your state attorney general's office and the FTC to file a complaint
Check these websites for more info as well.
Once you know your rights and are aware of the rules, you have the means to deal with the debt collectors who harass you.
According to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, debt collectors cannot:
Call you before 8am or later than 8pm.
Call your family and friends to discuss your debt.
Say they will garnish your wages.
Say they will come to your home or job and arrest you.
Contact you after you have sent them a cease and desist letter.
Collection agents will use a variety of techniques to play on your fears and lack of awareness.
Here are some examples of the rotten tactics they use:
Dear Mr. Victim, we have a wage garnishment order here at our office. If you would like to take voluntary action to prevent the order from being enforced, please call 1-800-gotcha
That is a total lie. A wage garnishment is a court matter. If someone sues you, you're supposed to get a notice from the court in the mail saying so. Only a judge can determine how much gets deducted from your earnings. Child support and taxes are well known situations where garnishment occurs. If collection agencies had the legal authority to do so, everyone who owed money to anyone would notice a deduction in their paychecks.
We will have you picked up from your place of work or residence
Another fear tactic. Collection agents try to avoid saying they will have you arrested because it's against the law. So, they imply that they will have you arrested.
Owing money is not a criminal act. Therefore you won't do time for a maxed-out credit card. Check the internet, or ask people you trust. When was the last time you heard of anyone being arrested for owing money??
I am a state process server employed by the state of so-and-so to issue court documents regarding a debt you owe
Blatant deceit! A real process server never tells anyone what he's doing or reveals his identity. They simply locate you, and, if possible, serve you. Process servers expect people to try and avoid being served. That's why they use techniques like disguises to catch you unawares. It's against the law for a collection agent to say they are a state employee when they're not. Collection agents don't have the courage to do what a process server does. They spend all day in a cubicle working a phone and harass people.
Suggested action:
If you feel you are being harassed by a collection agency, make sure you document the agent's name, date, time and the agency they work for. Also, document what was said in as much detail as possible.
Contact your state attorney general's office and the FTC to file a complaint
Check these websites for more info as well.
Dinsdag 16 Oktober 2012
Everyone is in the market for a quality used car at some point in their life and finding the right car is only half the battle. Shopping around for Utah used cars and finally finding that perfect one can get you very excited and hopeful. New Ride Loans makes sure that the excitement doesn't end when you are presented with a finance rate.
A lot of people these days are struggling to maintain their good credit. It can be very discouraging thinking that you aren't eligible to get a Utah low interest car loan. As long as you are working, New Ride Loans can work with the used auto dealers that they've partnered with, find you a great car and get you financed at a rate you can afford.
They've recently advertised that their goal is to loan out ,000,000 by August 31st. This is a sign that they're trying to do all they can to boost the economy and help their customers to rebuild their credit.
They, obviously, offer very competitive rates for people with good credit but they also work with a lot of customers that have bad credit. That's hard to find these days as most places that offer Utah used car loans will typically deal with one or the other. The are either a lender that will only offer a used auto loan to someone with good credit for a good rate or they only work with people with bad credit for a higher rate.
New Ride Loans has a good system down that allows them to hand pick the dealers they work with and have strict guidelines that they have to adhere to. They must offer a free, limited warranty, they must provide proof that it is not a salvage title, they must offer an exchange policy and they must provide a price list showing their entire inventory.
A lot of people these days are struggling to maintain their good credit. It can be very discouraging thinking that you aren't eligible to get a Utah low interest car loan. As long as you are working, New Ride Loans can work with the used auto dealers that they've partnered with, find you a great car and get you financed at a rate you can afford.
They've recently advertised that their goal is to loan out ,000,000 by August 31st. This is a sign that they're trying to do all they can to boost the economy and help their customers to rebuild their credit.
They, obviously, offer very competitive rates for people with good credit but they also work with a lot of customers that have bad credit. That's hard to find these days as most places that offer Utah used car loans will typically deal with one or the other. The are either a lender that will only offer a used auto loan to someone with good credit for a good rate or they only work with people with bad credit for a higher rate.
New Ride Loans has a good system down that allows them to hand pick the dealers they work with and have strict guidelines that they have to adhere to. They must offer a free, limited warranty, they must provide proof that it is not a salvage title, they must offer an exchange policy and they must provide a price list showing their entire inventory.
Saterdag 13 Oktober 2012
We have all heard the sad story of countries like Greece and Spain, losing all economic stability and downgraded in Moody's and Standard & Poor's credit ratings. But do you realize that Turkey is the only country who's credit rating has been upgraded twice in one year with a double digit growth rate (10.3%) and is considered the best place for investment. It is the fastest growing member of the G20 and some say will rival the once powerful financial centers of Dubai and, perhaps, London.
One visit to Istanbul and this is evident. Everywhere you turn, there is massive construction taking place. On a drive from the airport into the city, you will at once realize that the city limits are expanding into areas that were once considered suburbs of the city. The fact is that the construction can not keep pace with the population that is flowing into the city to get a piece of the financial pie that is Istanbul.
Istanbul's skyline is drastically changing. For better or worse, high rises are emerging from its hills and there are entire city centers that were, just a mere year ago, nothing more than rural neighborhoods. Take for example the area now know as Maslak, Levent. Today it as know as Istanbul's Financial Center. A few years ago it was just a lot of auto shops and mechanic shops. Today only a smattering of these are left and are dwarfed next to the sleek and enormous office and residential spaces shooting into the skyline. Istanbul is becoming Restaurant and Bar mecca for Europe. I have not seen this much selection not even New York city. You can every cuisine in Istanbul ( Indian cuisine in Istanbul, Italian cuisine in Istanbul, French cuisine in Istanbul, Japanese cuisine in Istanbul, Latine cuisine in Istanbul, Chinese cuisine in Istanbul)
Zorlu Center, currently under construction (with cranes working non-stop, 24-hours a day, that I can see from my window), is a massive structure that is deemed to become a new city center with 5 functions: a culture and art center, luxury hotel, business center, shopping center and residences. It covers an area of 25 thousand square meters and is centrally located with transit lines for easy access (Gayrettepe Metro and Zincirlikuyu Metrobus Station). An additional 80 thousand square meters will be green space to balance the steel and concrete that exists next to it.
Even Mr. Donald Trump wants a piece of the action and financial success that is Istanbul. His Trump Towers consists of 2 towers, one residential and one office space that are connected by a 400,000-square foot luxury retail space. (There is no shortage of luxury retail in Istanbul!)
Just down the road from here into the heart of the Financial District is Sapphire, the tallest building in Istanbul (currently the tallest building in Europe) Sapphire is also a multi-use space with luxury residences, office space and 3 floors of high-end shopping, restaurants and even a golf driving range. Some of Istanbul Sapphire's high points are its incredible view- a 360 degree, panoramic view of Istanbul, never before seen from these heights. It also boasts the first enomatic wine bar / wine and spirits shop, Kavist where you can taste a variety of Turkish and International wines before you buy a bottle or two. If you are lucky, or on their mailing list and are informed, you can join a wine tasting with a rep from one of the wine companies, a lecture or one of their frequent happy hours that is popular with the after-work crowd that passes through on their way home. This is my favorite spot to start the night off right. (You can even order online at deliver!)
These award winning skyscrapers are just a few of the hundreds (or thousands) of structures that are changing the skyline of Istanbul. Personally I am always amazed at how this city constantly develops and matures while still retaining its authentic and rich, cultural past. After all, it is deserving of its current title, Istanbul 2010, European Capital of Culture.
Visit Istanbul this year and I suggest that you book your ticket early. It will be the hottest destination of Europe 2011. Don't forget to book your Blue Voyage cruise also ( Mavi yolculuk- Gulet ile mavi yolculuk, Turkish Gulet)
One visit to Istanbul and this is evident. Everywhere you turn, there is massive construction taking place. On a drive from the airport into the city, you will at once realize that the city limits are expanding into areas that were once considered suburbs of the city. The fact is that the construction can not keep pace with the population that is flowing into the city to get a piece of the financial pie that is Istanbul.
Istanbul's skyline is drastically changing. For better or worse, high rises are emerging from its hills and there are entire city centers that were, just a mere year ago, nothing more than rural neighborhoods. Take for example the area now know as Maslak, Levent. Today it as know as Istanbul's Financial Center. A few years ago it was just a lot of auto shops and mechanic shops. Today only a smattering of these are left and are dwarfed next to the sleek and enormous office and residential spaces shooting into the skyline. Istanbul is becoming Restaurant and Bar mecca for Europe. I have not seen this much selection not even New York city. You can every cuisine in Istanbul ( Indian cuisine in Istanbul, Italian cuisine in Istanbul, French cuisine in Istanbul, Japanese cuisine in Istanbul, Latine cuisine in Istanbul, Chinese cuisine in Istanbul)
Zorlu Center, currently under construction (with cranes working non-stop, 24-hours a day, that I can see from my window), is a massive structure that is deemed to become a new city center with 5 functions: a culture and art center, luxury hotel, business center, shopping center and residences. It covers an area of 25 thousand square meters and is centrally located with transit lines for easy access (Gayrettepe Metro and Zincirlikuyu Metrobus Station). An additional 80 thousand square meters will be green space to balance the steel and concrete that exists next to it.
Even Mr. Donald Trump wants a piece of the action and financial success that is Istanbul. His Trump Towers consists of 2 towers, one residential and one office space that are connected by a 400,000-square foot luxury retail space. (There is no shortage of luxury retail in Istanbul!)
Just down the road from here into the heart of the Financial District is Sapphire, the tallest building in Istanbul (currently the tallest building in Europe) Sapphire is also a multi-use space with luxury residences, office space and 3 floors of high-end shopping, restaurants and even a golf driving range. Some of Istanbul Sapphire's high points are its incredible view- a 360 degree, panoramic view of Istanbul, never before seen from these heights. It also boasts the first enomatic wine bar / wine and spirits shop, Kavist where you can taste a variety of Turkish and International wines before you buy a bottle or two. If you are lucky, or on their mailing list and are informed, you can join a wine tasting with a rep from one of the wine companies, a lecture or one of their frequent happy hours that is popular with the after-work crowd that passes through on their way home. This is my favorite spot to start the night off right. (You can even order online at deliver!)
These award winning skyscrapers are just a few of the hundreds (or thousands) of structures that are changing the skyline of Istanbul. Personally I am always amazed at how this city constantly develops and matures while still retaining its authentic and rich, cultural past. After all, it is deserving of its current title, Istanbul 2010, European Capital of Culture.
Visit Istanbul this year and I suggest that you book your ticket early. It will be the hottest destination of Europe 2011. Don't forget to book your Blue Voyage cruise also ( Mavi yolculuk- Gulet ile mavi yolculuk, Turkish Gulet)
One of the newer consulting firms among the industry's heavy hitters, Monitor Management Consulting is one of the top-tier firms in the world. Founded by Harvard Business School professors, Monitor is based close to where it all began -- Cambridge, MA. Monitor relies on applicants' and consultants' merits and abilities in hiring and promoting. Consultants who deliver outstanding results for the firm and their clients receive higher compensation and get coveted promotions. Monitor is well-known for its individualized approached to salaries and compensation, based very much on individual performance.
The interview process at Monitor is similar to other top firms, such as BCG, Bain, Booz, and McKinsey. Monitor likes to ascertain a potential management consulting professional's abilities through an action-based interview process. That means there is a lot more doing than talking. Right on the spot, interviewees will have to perform an in-depth business analysis to a real-world problem that a Monitor client has faced in the past or is currently experiencing. Monitor values three primary characteristics above all in job applicants - capabilities, capacity to learn new concepts and skills, and commitment.
Because of their Harvard roots and location, Monitor heavily recruits homegrown talent going to school in Cambridge and around the Boston area. They mainly stick to the top 20 schools with a focus on the Ivy League. People wanting to be recruited from a non-Ivy should be prepared to stand head and shoulders above their peers in terms of academics, test scores, involvement, and business acumen.
The management consulting interview process at Monitor is perhaps the most important evaluation tool. Early stages of the interview process are known as "fit interviews." These initial interviews are very conversational in nature and assess whether Monitor and the candidate are a good fit. To prepare for this interview it is best for the candidate to align their personal brand with Monitor's core values and corporate culture. That means studying the company's website and talking to recruiters and associates about what it is like working with Monitor.
Candidates should also have detailed examples of how they produced tangible results on projects they have worked on. Clear, well-communicated, detailed stories are a must. That means a candidate should develop and evolve these conversations.
Early round interviews also include a case study interview that assesses a candidate's analytical ability. Each candidate spends approximately 30 minutes reviewing a business case study that integrates 2-3 pages of text with 4-6 pieces of relevant data. During this interview, the Monitor group looks for a candidate's ability to think quickly, logically, qualitatively, and quantitatively.
If candidates make it beyond the initial interviews they engage in group case study interviews that include 3-6 candidates that must work as a team to come up with recommendations. Candidates must work through a case study exercise as individuals within 30 minutes.
Candidates are then asked to lead a discussion with the group about the case study the group collaborated on. Two Monitor management consulting associates are there to observe. It should be noted that the group exercise is not a study in competition. It is intended to be a collaborative exercise where candidates are evaluated on their group interaction skills and problem solving capabilities. The whole group involved in the group exercise may receive an offer, should the exercise go well.
Role play, involving written and video client interactions, may be a part of the interview process. The candidate is then asked to make recommendations. Finally, management consulting candidates then go through a feedback interview that includes helpful back and forth dialogue about prior interviews and other important matters.
Candidates are encouraged to speak with a recruiter in their area and interact with anyone in their network who may have information about the firm to gain as much insight into the Monitor interview process as possible.
The interview process at Monitor is similar to other top firms, such as BCG, Bain, Booz, and McKinsey. Monitor likes to ascertain a potential management consulting professional's abilities through an action-based interview process. That means there is a lot more doing than talking. Right on the spot, interviewees will have to perform an in-depth business analysis to a real-world problem that a Monitor client has faced in the past or is currently experiencing. Monitor values three primary characteristics above all in job applicants - capabilities, capacity to learn new concepts and skills, and commitment.
Because of their Harvard roots and location, Monitor heavily recruits homegrown talent going to school in Cambridge and around the Boston area. They mainly stick to the top 20 schools with a focus on the Ivy League. People wanting to be recruited from a non-Ivy should be prepared to stand head and shoulders above their peers in terms of academics, test scores, involvement, and business acumen.
The management consulting interview process at Monitor is perhaps the most important evaluation tool. Early stages of the interview process are known as "fit interviews." These initial interviews are very conversational in nature and assess whether Monitor and the candidate are a good fit. To prepare for this interview it is best for the candidate to align their personal brand with Monitor's core values and corporate culture. That means studying the company's website and talking to recruiters and associates about what it is like working with Monitor.
Candidates should also have detailed examples of how they produced tangible results on projects they have worked on. Clear, well-communicated, detailed stories are a must. That means a candidate should develop and evolve these conversations.
Early round interviews also include a case study interview that assesses a candidate's analytical ability. Each candidate spends approximately 30 minutes reviewing a business case study that integrates 2-3 pages of text with 4-6 pieces of relevant data. During this interview, the Monitor group looks for a candidate's ability to think quickly, logically, qualitatively, and quantitatively.
If candidates make it beyond the initial interviews they engage in group case study interviews that include 3-6 candidates that must work as a team to come up with recommendations. Candidates must work through a case study exercise as individuals within 30 minutes.
Candidates are then asked to lead a discussion with the group about the case study the group collaborated on. Two Monitor management consulting associates are there to observe. It should be noted that the group exercise is not a study in competition. It is intended to be a collaborative exercise where candidates are evaluated on their group interaction skills and problem solving capabilities. The whole group involved in the group exercise may receive an offer, should the exercise go well.
Role play, involving written and video client interactions, may be a part of the interview process. The candidate is then asked to make recommendations. Finally, management consulting candidates then go through a feedback interview that includes helpful back and forth dialogue about prior interviews and other important matters.
Candidates are encouraged to speak with a recruiter in their area and interact with anyone in their network who may have information about the firm to gain as much insight into the Monitor interview process as possible.
Vrydag 12 Oktober 2012
When producers create an proceedings preparation to get on to a show they look by their financial statement and project needs like actors, crew, and film gear and that. Successful producers by the self-determining level are renowned to shell out special attention to crew and film gear expenditure to make the generally bang pro their production buck. A producer with restricted film financing wants to be able hire a production crew that's lean sufficient to be reasonably priced while left over productive. A generous crew isn't permanently an efficient crew. To paraphrase could you repeat that? I've heard on renting equipment from a hardly any producers is, it's better to be inflicted with on loan film gear and not used it than to be inflicted with not on loan film gear and looked-for it. There's approximately truth to with the intention of adage, but it can make expensive renting excessive equipment. Why burn through money you can waste to beef up a further are of production?
Choosing a production crew and film gear is not an exact science. At a bare smallest a show needs picture, lighting, sound, direction, actors, and locations. How a producer blends these elements collectively is lone of the thrills of making movies. A producer must consider early by the top of the production pyramid and bring about their way down as deciding on could you repeat that? Elements will be looked-for to complete a show. If you're acting as producer you're by the top of the production pyramid making decisions and running the trade show.
Break made known the catalog of jobs you're personally vacant to be usage outside of the producer role. Make clarification on answer elements of the script with the intention of might require special attention or equipment. This can include scenes with the intention of require fake blood, wounds, or bruises to be useful on fit to actors. There may possibly be a vista with the intention of requires a camera to stay on an actor running. Make a annotation with the intention of a Steadicam needs to be on loan if you don't already be inflicted with lone laying around.
Nobody knows your show better than you inside and made known. Put your information to aid in your proceedings preparation. What's your story? Is it dialogue driven with a small cast fit in a link of locations? Is it a fast tender proceedings story with a decent size cast? Knowing your story makes it easier to point out the aptly size crew and equipment looked-for to spurt.
Creating an proceedings preparation starts with money. Do you already be inflicted with show financing open to start production? Or are you putting collectively a pitch package with a detailed financial statement to pull towards you film investors? This is everywhere creating an online drone using SEO elite marketing pro your project is valuable. Film investors aspire to deposit their money into a show with the intention of has a strong online presence. The more visitor traffic to your show locate you can generate earnings more the makings investors you can join with pro financing.
Once the money is in place be inflicted with a script breakdown made of all elements with the intention of will cost money from digit of spurt days to payroll. You might discover with the intention of a less important crew with a reduced amount of film gear than you probable can sort out the job. That's a financial statement savings you can aid to add production regard to your show by hiring renowned actors or beefing up the placement production special things in the final graze of the show. Once cast and crew contracts are signed you are equipped to from proceedings preparation to, illumination, camera, Action! This is indie filmmaker Sid Kali typing SMASH CUT:
Choosing a production crew and film gear is not an exact science. At a bare smallest a show needs picture, lighting, sound, direction, actors, and locations. How a producer blends these elements collectively is lone of the thrills of making movies. A producer must consider early by the top of the production pyramid and bring about their way down as deciding on could you repeat that? Elements will be looked-for to complete a show. If you're acting as producer you're by the top of the production pyramid making decisions and running the trade show.
Break made known the catalog of jobs you're personally vacant to be usage outside of the producer role. Make clarification on answer elements of the script with the intention of might require special attention or equipment. This can include scenes with the intention of require fake blood, wounds, or bruises to be useful on fit to actors. There may possibly be a vista with the intention of requires a camera to stay on an actor running. Make a annotation with the intention of a Steadicam needs to be on loan if you don't already be inflicted with lone laying around.
Nobody knows your show better than you inside and made known. Put your information to aid in your proceedings preparation. What's your story? Is it dialogue driven with a small cast fit in a link of locations? Is it a fast tender proceedings story with a decent size cast? Knowing your story makes it easier to point out the aptly size crew and equipment looked-for to spurt.
Creating an proceedings preparation starts with money. Do you already be inflicted with show financing open to start production? Or are you putting collectively a pitch package with a detailed financial statement to pull towards you film investors? This is everywhere creating an online drone using SEO elite marketing pro your project is valuable. Film investors aspire to deposit their money into a show with the intention of has a strong online presence. The more visitor traffic to your show locate you can generate earnings more the makings investors you can join with pro financing.
Once the money is in place be inflicted with a script breakdown made of all elements with the intention of will cost money from digit of spurt days to payroll. You might discover with the intention of a less important crew with a reduced amount of film gear than you probable can sort out the job. That's a financial statement savings you can aid to add production regard to your show by hiring renowned actors or beefing up the placement production special things in the final graze of the show. Once cast and crew contracts are signed you are equipped to from proceedings preparation to, illumination, camera, Action! This is indie filmmaker Sid Kali typing SMASH CUT:
Maandag 08 Oktober 2012
Money laundering is the action of having money acquired from possibly illegal activities, and transferring it by way of a financial deal, to a banking companies, while concealing the origin of the money. This is usually carried out by those who wish to move huge amounts of money acquired from illegal activities, to established bank accounts in which it will mingle with funds acquired through legitimate means. If arrested, there will be penalties be paid off, since the practice is illegitimate generally in most countries.
Just how Money Gets Laundered
The entire process of money laundering will usually require a couple of actions that make it difficult to trace the original resource of the money. The actions might include moving the money between banking institutions, breaking up much larger amounts of money into smaller deposits, or even using the funds to purchase cashier's checks or money orders. The money laundering process is not one that can be accomplished at random, or at will, it takes extensive setting up in advance to prevent getting caught.
A well liked instrument which is usually utilized to launder money is the online world. Jobseekers, in particular, commonly become a victim of the Internet form of money laundering. How this works is, a job finder will response and add for the deceptive position with an overseas firm. The countries of source for this fraud are numerous and hard to pin down, which range almost everywhere from Saudi Arabia to Australia. On their application process, jobseekers will be asked to provide banking information, to ensure that their earnings can be deposited easily. The criminal accumulating these details then utilizes the jobseekers to move money between banks, and process payments. It is often not until their very own banking accounts are jeopardized that they find out that they may have been tricked, and their bank account utilized for deceptive purposes.
Probable Consequences
The consequences of a money-laundering action on the nation it occurs in can be wide-spread. The practice itself is outlawed, and when captured, the criminals will face incarceration and fines. Since the action usually involves transferring large amounts of money, the local economic climate can also be severely affected. The more money that is tied up at the local level, the less cash there is support businesses and government. Every nation has their very own regulations concerning money laundering, and these will involve rules and regulations which are meant to uncover the source of outlawed cash transactions and give a punishment to the criminals.
All the laws in the world, however, will not function when it comes to money laundering, when the banking companies and other financial institutions involved do not report the dealings. In the US, money laundering falls within the Bank Secrecy Act, that demands banks and all financial institutions to record money transactions of an amount more than ,000 US. This is done through submitting a foreign currency transaction report to the federal government. This law also demands branchless editions to have client identification as well and documentation of each transaction. This can be the sole method the government can keep track of the movement of these huge amounts money in and out of the nation.
Just how Money Gets Laundered
The entire process of money laundering will usually require a couple of actions that make it difficult to trace the original resource of the money. The actions might include moving the money between banking institutions, breaking up much larger amounts of money into smaller deposits, or even using the funds to purchase cashier's checks or money orders. The money laundering process is not one that can be accomplished at random, or at will, it takes extensive setting up in advance to prevent getting caught.
A well liked instrument which is usually utilized to launder money is the online world. Jobseekers, in particular, commonly become a victim of the Internet form of money laundering. How this works is, a job finder will response and add for the deceptive position with an overseas firm. The countries of source for this fraud are numerous and hard to pin down, which range almost everywhere from Saudi Arabia to Australia. On their application process, jobseekers will be asked to provide banking information, to ensure that their earnings can be deposited easily. The criminal accumulating these details then utilizes the jobseekers to move money between banks, and process payments. It is often not until their very own banking accounts are jeopardized that they find out that they may have been tricked, and their bank account utilized for deceptive purposes.
Probable Consequences
The consequences of a money-laundering action on the nation it occurs in can be wide-spread. The practice itself is outlawed, and when captured, the criminals will face incarceration and fines. Since the action usually involves transferring large amounts of money, the local economic climate can also be severely affected. The more money that is tied up at the local level, the less cash there is support businesses and government. Every nation has their very own regulations concerning money laundering, and these will involve rules and regulations which are meant to uncover the source of outlawed cash transactions and give a punishment to the criminals.
All the laws in the world, however, will not function when it comes to money laundering, when the banking companies and other financial institutions involved do not report the dealings. In the US, money laundering falls within the Bank Secrecy Act, that demands banks and all financial institutions to record money transactions of an amount more than ,000 US. This is done through submitting a foreign currency transaction report to the federal government. This law also demands branchless editions to have client identification as well and documentation of each transaction. This can be the sole method the government can keep track of the movement of these huge amounts money in and out of the nation.
Sondag 07 Oktober 2012
A good deal of CPAs develop a range of feelings about those crazy months leading up to April 15. They appreciate the hefty revenue that's part of the deal, which can support their practice for the rest of the year. Regrettably, too many ignore their accountant websites and other important aspects of the firm for months on end, and they completely give up on staying healthy. In spite of the extra money it brings, ironically, busy season can sink an accounting practice.
Check out how shrewd accountants maximize the profits of busy season while minimizing the stress:
1. They Invest in accountant websites That Do the Grunt Work for Them
During busy season, time is money. Taking precious time to file paper returns and fix broken printers slows accountants down - and ultimately equals less revenue.
To cut down on needless waste, smart CPA firms choose accountant websites that are loaded with time-saving tools and features. The following website features take care of a lot of the grunt work that can slow down a CPA during busy season:
- Secure file exchange
- Electronic tax prep forms
- PayPal or another credit card processing program
- Automated newsletter
- Frequently asked questions page
- Map and driving directions
2. They Update Their Accountant Websites BEFORE Busy Season Hits
One of the greatest contributors to stress is a disorganized work space. Paper piles and file stacks can easily overwhelm desks and surrounding areas when work load is at its peak. Important documents can get lost in clutter mountains leading to angry clients.
Accountants who prepare for busy season before the first of the year are more relaxed and more effective in their client work. These CPAs get their accountant websites all set to go, clean off their desks, and generally declutter their space. And they're careful to "hibernate" any projects that can wait until after April 15th by placing them out of the way where they won't add to the general chaos.
Once work starts coming in, it helps to spend a couple minutes at the end of every day to tidy up the office. Folks who do this report feeling empowered and well-prepared for the next day.
3. They Let Go of Dead Weight
All accountants have clients who trigger ulcers when they walk through the door. They complain, haggle over fees, even leave nasty comments on firms' accountant websites.
It may be hard to do, but it's okay to fire obnoxious clients, and smart CPAs terminate these relationships. The time accountants waste dealing with these troublemakers is better spent working with the clients who are easy and problem free.
4. They Know When to Ask for Help
Think of all the time-consuming, administrative tasks accountants perform each day: e-mail, processing and filing returns, updating their accountant websites, sending out client reminders, answering phone calls, etc. Wouldn't it save time to hand all this off to someone else?
Busy season is the perfect time to hire interns. Many interns are fresh from schooling and more than happy to get real-life office experience. It's a win-win situation that can greatly diminish CPAs' workload.
5. They Aren't Married to the Job
During busy season, many accountants work 10, 12, 14 hours a day - or more. But not all of them. The most successful CPAs set boundaries for themselves.
Take a page from their playbook. Instead of burning the candle at both ends, set a fixed time at the end of the day when you power down your computer and go home no matter what. A few more hours of sleep will greatly enhance your mood and boost your efficiency.
And remember to tell your clients that you can't work miracles. They should know that they MUST hand in their materials by a particular date or you'll be filing for an extension on their behalf. End of story. Don't let a client's procrastination be the cause of a panicked rush on April 14th.
This year, try out some of these tips - and most important of all, make your health and well-being a priority. Once a week, forget about accountant websites, tax organizers, and dissatisfied clients - and relax. Go to a some live music, draw a bubble bath, or make a date with your pals. When you do, you - and your practice - will come out of the busy season much better off!
Check out how shrewd accountants maximize the profits of busy season while minimizing the stress:
1. They Invest in accountant websites That Do the Grunt Work for Them
During busy season, time is money. Taking precious time to file paper returns and fix broken printers slows accountants down - and ultimately equals less revenue.
To cut down on needless waste, smart CPA firms choose accountant websites that are loaded with time-saving tools and features. The following website features take care of a lot of the grunt work that can slow down a CPA during busy season:
- Secure file exchange
- Electronic tax prep forms
- PayPal or another credit card processing program
- Automated newsletter
- Frequently asked questions page
- Map and driving directions
2. They Update Their Accountant Websites BEFORE Busy Season Hits
One of the greatest contributors to stress is a disorganized work space. Paper piles and file stacks can easily overwhelm desks and surrounding areas when work load is at its peak. Important documents can get lost in clutter mountains leading to angry clients.
Accountants who prepare for busy season before the first of the year are more relaxed and more effective in their client work. These CPAs get their accountant websites all set to go, clean off their desks, and generally declutter their space. And they're careful to "hibernate" any projects that can wait until after April 15th by placing them out of the way where they won't add to the general chaos.
Once work starts coming in, it helps to spend a couple minutes at the end of every day to tidy up the office. Folks who do this report feeling empowered and well-prepared for the next day.
3. They Let Go of Dead Weight
All accountants have clients who trigger ulcers when they walk through the door. They complain, haggle over fees, even leave nasty comments on firms' accountant websites.
It may be hard to do, but it's okay to fire obnoxious clients, and smart CPAs terminate these relationships. The time accountants waste dealing with these troublemakers is better spent working with the clients who are easy and problem free.
4. They Know When to Ask for Help
Think of all the time-consuming, administrative tasks accountants perform each day: e-mail, processing and filing returns, updating their accountant websites, sending out client reminders, answering phone calls, etc. Wouldn't it save time to hand all this off to someone else?
Busy season is the perfect time to hire interns. Many interns are fresh from schooling and more than happy to get real-life office experience. It's a win-win situation that can greatly diminish CPAs' workload.
5. They Aren't Married to the Job
During busy season, many accountants work 10, 12, 14 hours a day - or more. But not all of them. The most successful CPAs set boundaries for themselves.
Take a page from their playbook. Instead of burning the candle at both ends, set a fixed time at the end of the day when you power down your computer and go home no matter what. A few more hours of sleep will greatly enhance your mood and boost your efficiency.
And remember to tell your clients that you can't work miracles. They should know that they MUST hand in their materials by a particular date or you'll be filing for an extension on their behalf. End of story. Don't let a client's procrastination be the cause of a panicked rush on April 14th.
This year, try out some of these tips - and most important of all, make your health and well-being a priority. Once a week, forget about accountant websites, tax organizers, and dissatisfied clients - and relax. Go to a some live music, draw a bubble bath, or make a date with your pals. When you do, you - and your practice - will come out of the busy season much better off!
Saterdag 06 Oktober 2012
Schools that have a work-study program make it easier for college students to pay for school with minimal help from their parents or through the use of government loans or private loan institutions. Work-study is usually arranged through the student's college so that the individual can earn money while taking classes and earning a degree. It has its advantages and disadvantages. For those using work-study programs in combination with alternative student loans, there is less money to pay off after graduation because less money is borrowed.
Working on campus is filled with opportunities to meet others and make new friends and contacts. It is also a good springboard for both social interaction and future employment.
Work-study students often cannot find work in their majors on campus. Working as a teaching assistant may be an option; however, most students usually wind up working in the library, cafeteria or in administrative offices.
When the campus is closed, students usually get that time off from work. They can visit with family or take a vacation. Students in regular employment during school are often required to work through breaks and vacations to keep their employers happy.
Supervisors are more likely to understand when a worker needs to take time off to study for an exam than an employer not affiliated with the school.
Many positions on campus simply require someone to be a gatekeeper at a checkpoint. While the worker is checking IDs or answering the occasional question at a front desk, there is ample time for studying on the job. This is an easy way to complete homework assignments and brings new meaning to the term "work-study."
Program participants make it possible for the college to have facilities and offices maintained by young adults. It is less expensive than a regular work force and features people who truly care about their school and environment.
Many school-based programs require their participants to keep a minimum standard grade point average. When working, sometimes studying and enjoying college life become a multi-tasking challenge. The students are given gentle reminders to stay on track for academics.
For students hoping to create a higher-paying future for themselves in a field of work they enjoy, college is an important path to take. Finding a way to pay for it has its challenges. Students in the work-study program usually benefit financially from the experience, but they will need a supplemental means of paying for college.
Working on campus is filled with opportunities to meet others and make new friends and contacts. It is also a good springboard for both social interaction and future employment.
Work-study students often cannot find work in their majors on campus. Working as a teaching assistant may be an option; however, most students usually wind up working in the library, cafeteria or in administrative offices.
When the campus is closed, students usually get that time off from work. They can visit with family or take a vacation. Students in regular employment during school are often required to work through breaks and vacations to keep their employers happy.
Supervisors are more likely to understand when a worker needs to take time off to study for an exam than an employer not affiliated with the school.
Many positions on campus simply require someone to be a gatekeeper at a checkpoint. While the worker is checking IDs or answering the occasional question at a front desk, there is ample time for studying on the job. This is an easy way to complete homework assignments and brings new meaning to the term "work-study."
Program participants make it possible for the college to have facilities and offices maintained by young adults. It is less expensive than a regular work force and features people who truly care about their school and environment.
Many school-based programs require their participants to keep a minimum standard grade point average. When working, sometimes studying and enjoying college life become a multi-tasking challenge. The students are given gentle reminders to stay on track for academics.
For students hoping to create a higher-paying future for themselves in a field of work they enjoy, college is an important path to take. Finding a way to pay for it has its challenges. Students in the work-study program usually benefit financially from the experience, but they will need a supplemental means of paying for college.
Dinsdag 02 Oktober 2012
Cartier love bracelet replica tells you how far will your love goes. We sometimes are annoyed that how far can two lovers go. Will his or her heart change? Whether she or he will love me forever?
When the love of Cartier jewelry series came out, building things promotion and image began to go everywhere. And the question that Cartier sounds so worthy of thinking - How far would you go for love? actually speaking, will you seize your truly love or will your lover love you forever in his or her deep heart.
The purpose of two people being together has evolved from the need for reproductive love for each other. These gifts have been used by humans to express their love, they play an indispensable role in the development of the relationship between the two. Love is beautiful because it is a type of skill shared by all human beings. But it is a shame to buy the ring of love is far from being a kind of skill that all people, since every element of estate costs thousands of dollars. Few can afford the ring, but does not mean they are not willing to go far for love. If you fall for someone, you want him or her the best things in the world, but the "best" should not be fancy, so there may be things that are much more commonplace and affordable.
If the rings love on your fingertips, replica versions of the rings is very useful to examine. Instead of being with genuine gold and Diamond, these copies are made of stainless steel and diamonds lab created, they are always high quality and equipped with exactly the same look of the original models. And the most interesting part is the low prices that allow you to buy different Cartier Love Bracelets in various colors and styles to suit different outfits or moods.
Nobody can say that love must be represented by diamonds in real gold. Personally, I think the answer Cartier Love Bracelets, stainless steel can also bring love stainless, which explains the beauty of love.
When the love of Cartier jewelry series came out, building things promotion and image began to go everywhere. And the question that Cartier sounds so worthy of thinking - How far would you go for love? actually speaking, will you seize your truly love or will your lover love you forever in his or her deep heart.
The purpose of two people being together has evolved from the need for reproductive love for each other. These gifts have been used by humans to express their love, they play an indispensable role in the development of the relationship between the two. Love is beautiful because it is a type of skill shared by all human beings. But it is a shame to buy the ring of love is far from being a kind of skill that all people, since every element of estate costs thousands of dollars. Few can afford the ring, but does not mean they are not willing to go far for love. If you fall for someone, you want him or her the best things in the world, but the "best" should not be fancy, so there may be things that are much more commonplace and affordable.
If the rings love on your fingertips, replica versions of the rings is very useful to examine. Instead of being with genuine gold and Diamond, these copies are made of stainless steel and diamonds lab created, they are always high quality and equipped with exactly the same look of the original models. And the most interesting part is the low prices that allow you to buy different Cartier Love Bracelets in various colors and styles to suit different outfits or moods.
Nobody can say that love must be represented by diamonds in real gold. Personally, I think the answer Cartier Love Bracelets, stainless steel can also bring love stainless, which explains the beauty of love.
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