Vrydag 30 November 2012


The stock market can be can be very intimidating to the novice investor, especially in times of high volatility. Learning the basic skills in penny stock trading, such as how to read stock market quotes is very important. This is because once you have this basic skill, it will be a lot easier and quicker to understand the more complex areas of penny stocks trading. By the time you finish this article, you'll learn how to read stock market charts, especially if you are a beginner in trading.

The first thing to do is to find a good site on the internet where you can find free stock chart. Sites like yahoo finance, google finance, marketwatch.com, stockCharts.com etc. You do not need to register in order to access these free stock charts. The free stock chart helps you to predict the future of a particular penny stock, and have a clear picture of market trends.

The OHLC charts are the common type of free stock charts. OHLC simply means Open, High, Low, Close chart. The OHLC chart is divided into two - the plain vanilla and the candlestick chart. These charts contain the following basic information:
The time frame which could be in months, days, hours, or even minutes.
The high and low values of the period,
The volume story of the stock.
The opening and closing price.

Understanding the stock charts:

1. The volume bar

The volume of the stock is indicated by two vertical lines in the charts. One is at the bottom and the other is located a bit above it. Often there is a line at the lowermost part of the chart that corresponds to the one above. The lower bar is the volume of the stocks at a given point.

2. The High and Low Value Indicator

The bar (vertical) placed on top of the volume bar indicates the low and high values. The top part of the bar is the high value and the bottom part of the bar is the low value.

3. The Open and Close Marker

Some stock trading charts have short and stout bars with a thin line inside it. This thin line is called wick or tail. This is where the name candle stick is derived. The thin line or the wick signifies the low and high values, as explained above. The fat line, which also looks like a short bar covering the thin line, indicates the open and close values. To differentiate the open from the close, the bar is shaded. If it is filled with black (or red on some web sites), the close was lower than the open, so the top of the body indicates the open and the bottom marks the close. If the body is filled with white (or green on some sites) the close was higher than the open, so the top shows the closing point and the bottom is the open. The shadows are thin lines that extend above and below the body to show the range between the day's high and low.

However if a stock opened and closed at the same price there would be no body because there is no change in price. You will discover that there are different types of stock charts. Some are presented in line or bar graphs but once you understand the basics, you will be able to use the data they provide.

Sondag 25 November 2012


One of the concerns in business operation is to provide vehicles for operational use. The businesses that needs vehicles may choose to get a vehicle by outright purchase or through leasing. The former is like buying a vehicle in cash or in installment arrangements and the intention is to fully own the vehicle while the latter is leasing arrangement where the vehicle company still owns the vehicle but is offered to the client as leased item. The client then pays a deposit and leasing fee in a regular basis. Usually the arrangement of lease is flexible with the customer's paying capacity. Each model or brand of vans has leasing price. What matters is that you don't need to raise high capital for vehicle purchase. With van leasing, you just need to raise required deposit and ensure that you get regular earnings to compensate the leasing fees to be paid regularly.

The major disadvantage of van leasing is that you have no ownership of the vehicle. As such, you are most likely subject to conditions and terms of usage for the vans. In cases of breakdowns, you are obliged with policies governing breakdown cause by one of your business operations. Despite your effort and money put into the repair, you still don't own the vehicle. Second disadvantage is that you get to lease used vans. Used vans may not be in good driving condition anymore so it would be detrimental to your business operations.

However, the advantage of van leasing outweighs the disadvantages. First, your payment option is flexible with your terms. Whilst owning brand new vans for your business requires big capital, you can be have a vehicles and be operational already with van leasing. You don't have to wait until you get big amount to buy vehicles for the business since van leasing only requires deposits and leasing fee paid on a regular basis. There are also arrangements with van leasing companies that suit your current capacity to pay. Second advantage is that van leasing may be using used vans, but these are refurbished models that are definitely useable to new clients. Van leasing companies usually provide used vans to clients since these are vehicles that have previously been leased by other clients. The remodeling of the used vans makes it look like the new user is getting brand new vans for lease. Different models, brands, and sizes of vans has different leasing price so there is definitely one that suits the needs for your business. If your business is into stocks delivery for example, you can find vans that match the distance of your commercial deliveries, the capacity of the stocks usually carried in the van, and the period that you want to use the van for such a routine. Third advantage is that since you don't own it, you can definitely use another new vehicle if you need to replace the existing one. Vans, just like any vehicles, depreciate. So before it cannot be used anymore, you can readily return it and use another vehicle for continuous business use. If you own the vehicle, you will have problem disposing it to buy a new one or you may be spending money for too much maintenance just to make the depreciated vehicle continuously useable.

There are many companies for van leasing to choose from. You just have to check their services and their period of expertise in dealing with commercial vehicle leasing so you'll get maximum service for your business needs.

Dinsdag 20 November 2012


For millions of people living in third world countries, access to basic sanitation facilities is limited or nonexistent. In many of these areas, the lack of running water means that the same rivers used for bathing and obtaining cooking water are also used for defecating and dumping garbage. The biggest problem with such contamination is the threat of waterborne illness, a leading cause of death among infants and children in impoverished countries. One of the best possible solutions to this problem is waterless toilets.

Waterless toilets are not a new invention; in fact, they've been around for decades. One of the biggest barriers to their use and integration in third world nations is education. Groups like the Peace Corps and UNICEF routinely go into such countries to promote better sanitation by making waterless toilets available and educating people on how to use and maintain them. Unfortunately, there are far more areas that need such assistance than there are volunteer groups and funds to provide it.

There are various types of waterless toilets available today, and some are more feasible than others for use in third world nations. Probably the most commonly used is the sawdust toilet because of its extremely simple design. Consisting of nothing more than a five gallon bucket fitted with a toilet seat on top, sawdust toilets are very inexpensive to build and distribute on a large scale. All that is required to maintain the system is an ample supply of sawdust, peat moss, sand, or any other fine particulate substance. This material is used to cover the waste inside the toilet after each use, so as to prevent odors in the bathroom area. In arid climates with plenty of sandy soil, these systems are quite feasible for people to maintain. However, sawdust toilets are a good solution only for people living in remote or rural areas, because they do require some land in an area at least fifty yards or so from the primary residence. This land should be a location where the composting pile can be kept and buckets routinely emptied as they fill up. Obviously, in densely populated urban areas, this would not work.

A better alternative for urban areas are waterless composting toilets. These are professionally manufactured systems that are designed to hold all waste and compost it internally. The primary problem with this solution is the cost. Waterless composting toilets are often prohibitively expensive and require grants or donation from generous benefactors to implement them on a large scale. The advantage to composting toilets is that they don't require a lot of land space, since all waste is handled within the toilet itself. They are very simple to use and maintain; however, they do require an ongoing supply of bulking material, such as peat moss and wood chips. This bulking material should be added to the toilet on a daily basis in order to maintain the correct balance of carbon and nitrogen within the compost. This will help the waste to break down quickly and without creating unpleasant odors. Access to such a bulking material may be limited in some urban areas and also might be financially unfeasible for people to purchase, and this could create another potential barrier to their use. Ideally, if an urban municipality could supply bulking material to residents at a minimal cost, this hurdle could be overcome.

One way or another, better sanitation facilities are desperately needed in third world countries. Millions of people fall ill and thousands die each year due to illnesses caused by contaminated water supplies. Waterless toilets would allow residents of such countries to dispose of their waste in a hygienic manner without wasting or contaminating their limited freshwater resources.

Sondag 18 November 2012


Homebuyers who are looking to get a home loan with bad credit often feel like they are fighting a losing battle. Agreeing to take on a home mortgage is a major undertaking for most people and will constitute the largest loan every extended for 99% of the population. Therefore, the problems that one encounters when searching for such a home loan with bad credit should not be diminished. However, that is not to say that success is impossible.

In fact, there are three simple strategies that you can employ starting today that will greatly increase your chances of receiving a home loan with bad credit. If you take the time to employ these strategies, you will be able to purchase a home and afford your monthly payments.

Bad Credit Carries Penalties

Before you begin your search for a home loan with bad credit it is important to understand one simple fact: bad credit carries penalties. That is to say that although you can get a home loan with bad credit, you will need to come to terms with the fact that, in doing so you will be forced to accept the terms that come along with such loans. Namely, this means accepting a higher interest rate on your home loan and greater penalties should you fail to meet your payment obligations. Your bad credit is a black mark on your loan application and there is no way to come away from that black mark scratch free.

Three Strategies to Successfully Get a Loan

So now that you are aware of the problems that your bad credit score creates, you are ready to employ the strategies necessary to get the loan you need. These three strategies are simple to start today and will help you boost the appearance of your application in order to generate loan offers, despite your bad credit.

Strategy One: Know Your Score

This should seem self-evident, but you would be surprised at how many people go into the mortgage process with no clear idea of where they stand in terms of credit score. There is a huge range of FICO scores (numbers from 300-800) and therefore many degrees of bad and good numbers. You need to know exactly what your score is, what that means to lenders and why you score is as low (or high) as it is. This way you will be ready for any questions that lenders may have and may be able to make small changes today that can help improve your score quickly over time.

Strategy Two: Shop Around

Like any major purchase, finding a home loan is not as simple as walking into the first place that sells them and signing up. You need to shop around and talk to several lenders in order to compare the amount of money they will offer, the interest rates attached to that money and other details that will vary from lender to lender. You may also consider talking to a mortgage broker who, for a small fee, can generate several quotes for you.

Strategy Three: Save that Down Payment

There are really two factors that go into deciding who gets a home loan and who doesn't. First is your credit score. The second is the amount of down payment you have to offer. If you are lacking in one area, you need to make up for it in the other. Therefore, the key to getting a home loan with bad credit is in having a large down payment. Think, 20% of the purchase price minimum!

Getting a Loan

As you can see there are clearly ways that you can get a home loan with bad credit. Which strategies you use, and to what degree, will largely depend on your individual circumstances. This is why working with a lending professional is the key to success.

Woensdag 14 November 2012


For the past few years, interest rates have been quite low, causing many people to borrow large amounts of money for a variety of different expenses. Now these interest rates are about to rise, and they will have a large effect on the personal finances of many borrowers. How do these interest rates affect you? What can you do to prepare for rising interest rates? In this article I will answer both of these questions.

When Do Interest Rates Rise?

When the Federal Bank increases the interest rates, the cost of mortgages, loans, and credit cards are also increased. Because the average American household owes at least ,000 in credit card debt, they will be heavily effected the rising interest rates. If you are having a difficult time making your payments every month or are only making the minimum payments, it can be very difficult to pay down the principle when the interest continues to increase. In a situation like this it could take many years to pay off a loan.

Don't Be Depressed

Even worse, if the economy suffers a major depression similar to what occured in 1929, banks and loan companies may begin calling in debts in order reduce their losses. This means that customers will be forced to pay back everything they owe up front, and if they can't their homes, cars, or other valuables could be taken from them. While this may sound extreme, history has a way of repeating itself. It is important to make sure you do everything you can to protect yourself and reduce the amount of debt you owe.

Try To Pay Your Debt Early

One thing you will want to do is start paying more than just the minimum payments. As the interest rates continue to rise, making only the minimum payments will do nothing to reduce your debt. If you don't have enough money to make more than just the minimum payments, look for ways to cut back on your expenses so that you will have more money left over to pay on your loans. You will want to reduce your spending and set aside a budget that will allow you to make larger payments towards the principle rather than just the interest.

Get On A lower Interest Rate

Don't listen to credit card companies that advertise credit cards at a fixed rate. By law, credit card companies have to give you a notice before increase the interest rate on the credit cards, and very few loans are exempt from the interest rates that are increased by the Federal Bank. It is best to transfer your balances from high interest credit cards to those that have a much lower interest rate. Look for companies that offer 0% interest rates for a set period of time. Home equity loans or lines of credit are tools that can also be used to consolidate and pay of your debts.

Consider A Cheaper Mortgage

If you have a mortgage that features an adjustable interest rate, consider switching to a fixed rate before interest rates begin to rise. This could keep you from getting into a situation where you could lose your home. If you are looking to buy a house, it is important to remember that the cost of houses will greatly increase once the interest rates start to rise. This means you will want to find a house before this happens so that you will avoid paying inflated prices.

Lease Or Buy a Car

If you are thinking of a getting a car, it may be a good idea to buy used instead of leasing a car from a dealership. It doesn't make much sense to get a car loan at a time when interest rates are about to rise. Buying a used car has many advantages, but you will want to do your research to make sure you get a good deal.

Dinsdag 13 November 2012


Every business worth its name has a logo. It is that little graphic displayed on everything that is uniquely theirs- their website, products and stationery. In some cases, the logo may simply be a stylistic adaptation of a name. Hallmark is a fine example. In other cases, there are special graphics that serve to symbolize the company. The windows logo is one such famous graphic.

Logo design is one of the first activities undertaken by a company to establish their brand image. This is important because a logo fulfills a large range of functions. A good logo represents the company, gives a symbolic representation of what the company stands for and even carries the credibility of the company on its shoulders. Some companies spend thousands of dollars on custom logo design because they know that a successful logo must be appropriate, aesthetic and reliable. It must penetrate people's mind and carve a place for itself, so that one look at the symbol will invoke the company, its philosophy and products in the mind of those viewing it. A logo is said to be successful or worth the money you pay when the symbol is recognized instantly.

Many companies pay millions of dollars to purchase custom designed logos. They employ expensive graphic design agencies to produce a selection of custom logos, from which they select one. That is because they understand that a good logo will help their company stand out from the competition. Custom designed logos are original and unique, characteristics that are vital to the success of the logo as a brand ambassador. That said, custom designed logos have advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of a custom logo design: Custom logo designs are designed specifically with your needs in mind. Generally, the design agency meets with the company and discusses the company's philosophy, services and culture. They discuss colors, design styles, fonts and layouts. Only then do designers begin their work. The design agency comes up with a number of templates. The client picks one that he likes or may ask for another round of discussion, if the designs are not up to his expectations. The greatest advantage of custom designed logo is its uniqueness. The company gets exactly what they are looking for, which is a great option if you have the cash to finance it.

Disadvantages of custom designed logo:
Highly expensive
Takes too much time
May run into delays

Custom designed logos are not for everyone. Small companies, individual entrepreneurs and others with limited resources may not be able to invest huge amounts of money into their logo design, though they still want sophisticated logos. Additionally, the time factor required for the development of a custom design is quite unpredictable. In case you are in a hurry to launch your company, waiting for a custom logo may not be the best option.

For companies that want excellent quality designs at a fraction of the cost, there is always a better option. Many online design agencies supply you with high quality logos at affordable prices. Most of these companies have a large catalog of pre-designed logos. So, it is easy for prospective clients to choose something they like straightaway. These can then be customized to a high degree of uniqueness. Thus services such as these make it easy for companies to bypass costly design companies in their quest for highly individualized, yet stylistically perfect logos.

Sondag 11 November 2012


When do You Start Paying for Retail Space

Tenants are generally provided time to prepare the retail space for occupancy prior to the date when they must begin paying rent. However, in hot markets and for some very desirable properties or spaces, landlords will be able to require that tenants pay for retail space beginning at the time the lease is executed. In such cases, it is possible the tenant may pay for space for four to 12 months, or even longer, prior to commencing operations within the retail space. However, this is the exception rather than the rule. In most cases, tenants are provided a reasonable amount of time to prepare the space for occupancy.
What Happens if Retail Space is Not Ready on Time

The lease should address the contingency regarding what happens if it is not possible to occupy the retail space on the contemplated date. For example, there could be delays in obtaining signage permits, usage permits, construction permits, and in completing construction due to a union strike.
Condition of "Shell"

The condition of the space which the landlord provides the tenant and the tenant improvement allowances both require careful consideration and documentation. If the retail space is currently built in a configuration which does not suit the prospective tenant, will the landlord demolished the existing improvements and dispose of the debris?
TI Details

If the landlord is providing a tenant improvement (TI) allowance, what are the mechanics of performing the construction and funding the cost of construction? If the cost of the construction is less than the TI allowance, is the tenant allowed to keep the excess funds? Is union labor required?
More TI Details

Is the tenant required to use a general contractor? Should the landlord be compensated for inspecting construction? Alternatively, is the landlord required to provide space which complies with an agreed-upon set of plans at its own expense?
ADA Compliance Expenses

If the space is not currently ADA compliant, who should pay for the cost of making it ADA compliant?
Operating Expenses for Retail Space

Retail space expenses are typically paid by the tenant. This includes items such has common area utilities, common area maintenance, insurance, property taxes and management. It would not include items such at tenant improvements for new tenants and leasing commissions for new tenants.

Non-cash expenses such as depreciation and amortization would also be excluded. While each lease is negotiable, most retail leases are done on a net basis with the tenant paying for most operational expenses.
Who Pays for Repairs and Replace for Tenant Space

Repair and replacement of the roof is typically handled by the landlord. However, in some leases the tenant is responsible for this expense. Repair and replacement of the HVAC system has always been a negotiated matter. In many leases the tenant pays for repairs and the landlord pays for replacement. This can cause disagreement as to whether the HVAC should be repaired again or replaced. Electrical and plumbing within the tenets defined space is typically the tenets responsibility.
Brokerage Fee

Payment of the brokerage fees should be addressed in the lease. If a tenant rep broker has been working with you to find space to negotiate a lease, you should have signed a representation agreement prior to working with the broker. This agreement would likely provide your commitment to work exclusively with the broker for a defined period. (Include a 30-day cancellation clause in case you are not satisfied with the work performed by the broker. In many cases, this agreement would still provide a level of protection to the broker if you lease space he had suggested.)
Document the Brokerage Fee, Even if You are not Paying

Your agreement with the broker should also document who is responsible for paying the brokerage fee. In most cases, this will be the landlord. However, even if you have already documented your agreement with the broker, it is better to affirm the agreement within the lease to minimize any misunderstandings.

Vrydag 09 November 2012


Veterans have some significant advantages over other borrowers once it comes to home refinancing. The government, aimed to help former service members, offers quite a few options. Whether you just want lower monthly mortgage payments, or have major expenditure in mind, such as home renovation or a large purchase, VA may offer a low-cost solution. Many veterans also take advantage of VA loans if they need debt consolidation, as it allows for getting out of debt quicker and saving money on rates and loan fees. No matter what your goals are, the following financing options, available through VA only, may help:

VA Streamline Refinance Loan

Being the best loan refinance product in the lending market today, VA streamline refinance loan may help you to refinance at an attractive rate and flexible terms, bringing the benefit of reduced monthly payments and lower overall borrowing cost. It is also known as IRRRL and has very relaxed qualification requirements. Credit scores of the borrowers are commonly not considered, making it an extremely attractive choice for bad credit borrowers.

VA Debt Consolidation Loan

VA debt consolidation loan allows you to borrow as much as 100% of your home equity. It is great for homeowners who have accumulated some equity in their homes and are looking to consolidate all or part of their debts into one loan with lower interest and more affordable payments. Due to attractive interest rates and prolonged durations, it is probably one of the most money-saving debt consolidation products in the market today.

VA Refinance Relief

Recent real estate crisis that left many households with decreased home values also caused many to get upside-down on their mortgages. VA refinance relief, a lending product specifically developed to assist troubled homeowners, allows veterans to refinance their non-VA loans that have less attractive terms. Available to qualified veterans and active duty members, VA refinance relief is an attractive solution to those who have no equity due to real estate market crash.

VA Home Improvement Loan

The name says it all this loan is designed for borrowers looking to improve their living conditions. This loan allows you to borrow up to 90% of your home value at a low rate in order to perform value-adding enhancements to your home, such as structural repairs, refurbishments, furnace replacements, and so forth.

VA Energy Efficiency Mortgage

You may add up to ,000 with this lending product to the overall borrowed amount should you make energy efficient upgrades to your home or purchase a new energy efficient home. Despite the need to have your house evaluated by an approved third party, it is an attractive incentive to individuals looking to purchase a higher-priced energy-saving home.

VA Cash Out Refinance Loan

VA cash out refinance loan is one to consider for veterans with excellent credit history who have some equity in their homes. While it is most commonly used for debt consolidation, the loan proceeds may be utilized for any purpose: making large purchases, building cash reserves, and so forth. This is a credit-based loan; therefore, a good credit history is a must-have. In addition, a home appraisal is a must-have in order to qualify. While VA cash out refinance loan offers an attractive rate, a mandatory 3% origination fee may upset some borrowers. It may be, however, included into the amount of your loan.

Woensdag 07 November 2012


When homeowners find a piece of land that they fall in love with and wish to buy for their next business, to build a home, or for any other reason, they often wonder if they can take out a second mortgage to buy that land. In Canada, not only can you take out a second mortgage to buy land, but you should!

In Canada it can be very difficult to get a conventional mortgage on land if you don't already own a property. Many who have never owned property before must buy land outright if they wish to own it; and those who can't do that are often forced to turn to a private mortgage, but these can often come with high interest rates. Typically only those with very high incomes or a very high net worth will be approved for a conventional mortgage and even then, the interest rates will usually be higher than those on traditional mortgages, and a larger down payment is also often required.

However, those who already own a property and have some equity in that property can take out a second mortgage against it to buy land. This is very easy and can be done through a home equity line of credit (HELOC) or a home equity loan. The process will be the same as if you were taking out the second mortgage for renovations, tuition, or just to have cash on hand for emergencies. However, if you're taking out a home equity loan or HELOC to buy land, there are advantages to making sure that you begin construction quickly on that land once financing is in place.

The biggest reason to build quickly when using HELOCs or home equity loans is because it could provide extra cash up until the lock up stage. The lock stage is the first part of a builders mortgage, when the homeowner will then need a construction loan, and will also receive the first draw on that loan. The draw is the portion of the loan that covers a certain time frame and certain work done within that time frame.

Another reason to build quickly after buying land has nothing to do with the mortgage, but ensures that you'll be able to build your property the way you had intended. Over the span of years, permits and licensing requirements could change; and if your land has sat empty, those requirements could drastically change the plans you had for your property.

Using a second mortgage to buy land is the only way to do it when you're a homeowner eyeing a piece of property. Using that second mortgage can be a great way to take care of all the mortgages you'll need for the land and the property at the same time when you start building on that land right away. And, beginning construction right away brings you one step closer to your dreams, and makes sure that dream will be what you've always envisioned, too.

Maandag 05 November 2012


When the requirement to buy new equipment arises, equipment financing is an alternative every industrialist and business owner should consider. There are many aspects that make equipment financing a more useful and attractive options for your company. The choice about the type of financing necessary for new equipment may need some cautious financial analysis of the tax status of your business equipment finance, cash flow and internal rate of return. The main alternative in influential the best financial alternative is the utilization rate of the equipment.

Equipment financing with a lease is frequently a more attractive option than an outright sale. Buying equipment is expensive and causes a huge drain on liquidity especially if you are a start-up or a small business.

Leasing is a method of funding wherein the funds remain in the business rather than being tied up in depreciating assets. It also has normal repayments to meet your cash flow and budgetary requirements over a predetermined time phase. It is a cost effectual option to paying cash, giving you financial suppleness and serving you to address changing technology needs quickly. The important thing to keep in mind here is that the use of equipment in the business which produces profit and not ownership.

Whether it is office equipment, industrial equipment like plant and equipment or software all of it is qualified for equipment finance. By virtue of enhanced purchasing power and flexibility, payments become affordable and you can obtain the best equipment available as well.

Since the helpful life of the equipment is in consonance with the lease term, it eliminates the need for a down payment which means that you get 100% financing for your purchase. It also frees up the capital which can be used for extra working capital which every new or rising business needs. The 100% financing option includes service additions like setting up, preservation, and other services required for your equipment to function correctly. With the lower, fixed-rate payments of an equipment lease, not only are you're secluded against price rises, but it allows you to financial plan and forecast with greater confidence.

You can use the equipment as much as you require without the hassles of ownership, reduction issues or worrying about equipment becoming obsolete.

However, the most attractive advantage of equipment finance remains the tax advantage where 100% of your lease sum can be deducted as a business expense. Thus it is seen that frequently the piece of equipment being leased is cheaper after taxes than simply buying the item outright with a customary financing option.

Sondag 04 November 2012


Educational qualifications play a very integral role in getting into the job industry you intend to. This article centers on the top degrees in demand (2011).

If you're thinking of getting the best jobs as per your interest, you need to hold relevant educational qualifications. Nursing, business management, and engineering are few areas which have a substantial amount of demand to their degrees. Nowadays, along with educational credentials, employers prefer those who have certifications in the related domain. Below are some fields whose top paying degrees are in great demand in this year.

Top Degrees in Demand Currently

For many years, careers in nursing are thought of being the best in the health care sector. In order to become a registered nurse, one option is to possess a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) which is of four years duration. You can even complete an Associate's Degree in Nursing (ADN) and then move on to the NCLEX-RN exam. One can go in for the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree for excelling in this career.

Management Information Systems
The field of Management Information Systems (MIS) is growing day by day. This area of study includes understanding information systems and business management concepts. The Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems (BSMIS) is a very prominent degree in MIS domain. MIS degrees include a combination of technical plus business subjects such as finance and accounting, marketing, accounting, business management, IT networking, database management concepts, and systems design.

Business Administration
This is no doubt one of the top degrees in demand (2011). Almost all business colleges in universities offer course like Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and Master of Business Administration (MBA). These business administration degrees can have a specialization in areas such as accounting, HR, operations, marketing, finance, and so on. You can even opt for one similar to the BBA degree, which is referred to as Bachelor of Business Management (BBM).

Computer Engineering
A degree in computer engineering focuses exclusively on studies from computer science and electrical engineering. Most people choose bachelor's and master's in computer engineering, which makes them get a job as computer hardware or software engineers in the IT sector. A bachelor of computer engineering degree is a good stepping stone to a career in IT. Today, a wide range of certifications are also available for computer engineers.

Marketing is a field which can earn you a lot more than any other careers in business. It requires a significant amount of management and communication skills. You can either enroll for an associate's, bachelor's, master's or even a research degree in marketing. You can get into jobs as a marketing manager, market researcher, brand manager, or product manager. Other possible options include jobs in advertising and business management.

Finance and Accounting
Graduates and post-graduates in areas such as accounting and finance have a lot of demand not only in the US but all over the world. Many business schools offer degrees in accounting on associate, bachelor, and master levels. Advanced degrees in accounting can lead you to a career as an accountant, auditor, or a finance professional. You can even pursue a degree in the finance side, which will prepare you to work as a financial advisor, financial planner, investment banker, or a loan officer.

These are just six fields and their college degrees in demand at present. There are many other degrees in areas mentioned in the following.
1. Electrical Engineering
2. Mechanical Engineering
3. Economics
4. Civil Engineering
5. Aerospace Engineering
6. Dentistry
The aforementioned are few of the top college degrees to pursue in 2011. A point to note is that there are many other medical degrees which are always in demand, owing to the requirements of medical professionals. Moreover, even careers that require engineering degrees are considered hot in the job market.

Saterdag 03 November 2012


On September 14, 2011, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Division of Corporate Finance issued its Staff Observations in the Review of Forms 8-K Filed to Report Reverse Mergers and Similar Transactions, which summarizes SEC staff comments in response to reports on Form 8-K reporting reverse mergers with public shells or similar transactions resulting in an issuer ceasing to be a shell company, often known as a Super 8-K because of its requirement that the Issuer provide Form 10 information.

These new requirements increase the appeal of direct public offerings and go public direct transactions for issuers who want to avoid the increased legal and compliance costs of reverse mergers. Reverse merger issuers often find their securities subject to Depository Trust (DTC) scrutiny, DTC Chills and global locks because of the fraud associated with reverse mergers.

In its release, the SEC indicates that the Super 8-K filings often fail to provide required disclosures under Items 2.01, 5.01 and 9.01 of Form 8-K. The requirements of these items are summarized below.

Item 2.01 Completion of acquisition or disposition of assets requires the issuer to provide information following a transaction that is outside the ordinary course of business. A corporate acquisition as well as an asset acquisition can result in a company no longer being a shell company. In the event that the asset acquisition results in a company no longer being a shell company, all information required in a Form 10 Registration Statement must be filed in a Super 8-K within four days of the completion of the transaction. The SEC release provides, we frequently remind companies that Instruction 2 to Item 2.01 makes clear that the term acquisition includes every purchase, acquisition by lease, exchange, merger, consolidation, succession or other acquisition. Further, when a company's reverse merger or similar transaction includes an asset acquisition as defined in Item 2, then an Item 2.01 disclosure is also required.

Item 5.01 requires disclosures regarding a change of control. Issuers must include all disclosures required by Item 5.01 when filing a Super 8-K which include:

(i) identity of the person(s) acquiring such control;

(ii) date and description of the transaction which resulted in the change in control;

(iii) basis of control, including percentage of voting securities of the registrant now beneficially owned by the person(s) who acquired control;

(iv) amount of consideration used by the person(s) acquiring control;

(v) source of funds used by the person(s) acquiring control;

(vi) the identity of the person(s) from whom control was assumed;

(vii) any arrangements or understandings among the members of both the former and new control groups with respect to the election of directors or other matters; and

(viii) the information required by Item 403(c) of Regulation S-K.

Item 9.01 is the Financial Statements and Exhibits section of the Form 8-K. Issuers must include historical financial statements of the acquired private operating business. In particular, the Form 8-K must include two years of audited financial statements and unaudited reviewed interim periods to the date of filing. In addition, the issuer must include pro forma financial information accounting for the combined companies.

This memorandum is provided as a general informational service to clients and friends of Hamilton & Associates Law Group and should not be construed as, and does not constitute, legal and compliance advice on any specific matter, nor does this message create an attorney-client relationship. For more information concerning the rules and regulations affecting the use of Rule 144, Form 8K, FINRA Rule 6490, Rule 506 private placement offerings, Regulation A, Rule 504 offerings, Rule 144, SEC reporting requirements, SEC registration on Form S-1 and Form 10, Pink Sheet listing, OTCBB and OTC Markets disclosure requirements, DTC Chills, Global Locks, reverse mergers, public shells, go public direct transactions and direct public offerings.

Donderdag 01 November 2012


Researching for some useful information about real estate investment can both be confusing and overwhelming at times. There are times that it is frustrating because you do not know when to start and all these information is right in front of you. For example, you heard from a friend that she has recently bought a house at Lubbock real estate and invited you over to see her new house. You are impressed withthe location and the neighborhood, so the following day you checked Lubbock homes for sale. You see a house that you liked and now know how much you need to raise. As you search more about real estate investment and how to purchase a house; you are overwhelmed and confused with all the infromation.

Do not be overwhelmed, because what you need is just some structure on your research about about buying a house. You will soon learn where all those information will fit in as soon as you understand the basic steps first. If you are a first time home buyer and you are in a situation that has just decided that you will dowhat you need to do in order to own a house then you need to understand and know the very basic steps that you need to achieve.

1) The first basic step is for you to have money. You need to eliminate the issue of money. That may seem obvious for anyone, but a lot of people often makes mistake to save only for the downpayment. Other people often times save money and do not know when to stop and cannot determine what is enough. You need to understand that you cannot just save money for the downpayment because there are other costs that you will need to pay. However, you also need to know when to stop saving and start making your dream of owning a house a reality.

2) The second basic step is for you to be emotionally and mentally ready. You need to realize that things may not go your way when buying a house. There may be some bumps along the road and you need to make sure that you are indeed ready to own a house and strong enough emotionally and mentally to finish the purchasing process and finish your mortgage payments. You need to search within yourself and know for certain that having a home; enjoying it's privilleges and as well as meeting it's challenges is something that will not be a burden for you.

3) The third basic step is making a good credit history and a high credit score. Having a good credit score will help you when you apply for a loan. You will have good chances of getting your loans approved. Having a high credit score enables you to enjoy and qualify to the loans that are hard to get; only people who significantly high credit scores can apply for them.

4) The fourth basic step is for you to know the location of where you want to live and to know what type of house you want to buy. Location is the most important thing and should be the first thing that you should researchand work on after accomplishing the first three basic steps. Once you have money, good credit score and are sure that you want to buy a house, then the first thing that you should check is the location where you want to live. You need to check if the neighborhood is good and peaceful. After accomplishing that, you need to know the type of houses and know exactly what type of house you want to buy. You need to decide based on your current needs and lifestyle as well as taking consideration of your near future needs.

These are four basic steps or methods that you need to focus first in order for you to have some direction or structure on your real estate investment. You can add more and research it one at a time as you progress on each part of buying a house. What is important is for you not to be confused and be overwhelmed on the information that you can get about buying a house.