Credit cards seem to be so easy: you buy the things you need, and you pay for them at the end of the month with a minimal fee. Some even offer rewards like cash back and travel points. All this sounds too good to be true, and it often is. What most don't realize is that extra fees need to be considered, which can significantly raise your bill -- and sometimes, you don't even have to pay them!
The most common fees, which most credit card holders have experienced at one point or another, are the late fee and the over-the-limit fee. When you are late for your minimum payment, the bank or credit card company charges you anywhere from fifteen to forty dollars' worth of fees. This also happens when you pay less than the minimum payment allowed. The only way to avoid this is to pay regularly, on time and at least the minimum payment. On the other hand, over-the-limit fees happen when you charge too much on your card, exceeding your credit limit-banks charge anywhere from fifteen to forty dollars for this. If you can afford a higher credit limit, by all means get yours raised. However, if you're one of the many who overspend and end up breaking the credit limit, you might want to consider balancing finances, or talking about the options with your credit card company.
Another fee most credit card holders forget about is the annual fee -- anywhere from twenty-five to three hundred dollars. This means that even if your credit card has zero interest, the money you've saved could just go to the annual fee. Many people don't realize that they can actually waive the annual fee. This can be done with a small negotiation with your creditors. Usually, if you've had enough purchases in a year, and you ask nicely, you can skip the annual fee.
The credit card is great because you only have to carry around one card for multiple purchases. Almost every store accepts credit card payments, but most card holders everyone needs cash on occasion. This is the main reason why it's not advisable to put all of your money into paying off your monthly credit card fee. However, should you need cash, you could easily get a cash advance. For the transaction, some creditors will charge you anywhere from one to three percent of the cash advance, as payment for the transaction. Thankfully, some creditors now offer free cash advance transactions. If you've signed a contract agreeing to the cash advance fee, you won't be able to waive it.
The key to keeping away from unnecessary fees and charges is to be aware of what you're doing. Make sure you know what you're getting yourself into; read everything before you sign and do your research. This may help you avoid paying more than you really have to.
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